Early Princess Anne Co., VA Deeds (2024)

Page 10
Nov. 12, 1691
SOLOMON WHITE of Knotts Island deed of gift to Sister Elizabeth now wife of STEPHEN SWAINE, 454 acres, bounded by land of father PATRICK WHITE, dec.
Wit: Patrick White, Patrick Angus.

Page 19
May 7, 1692
FRANCIS LAND, father of FRANCIS LAND and grandfather to EDWARD LAND, in his will dated April 15, 1654 left his sonFRANCIS 150 acres; eldest son RENATUS LAND, father of EDWARD was to have 200 acres adjoining: RENATUS died and land reverted to Brother FRANCIS who now gives to EDWARD.
Wit: Malachy Thruston, Martha Thruston, Jean Porten

Page 20
May 10, 1692
ELIZABETH WHITE power of attorney to Son SOLOMON WHITE.
Wit: Evan Jones, Edward Jones

Page 21
July 6, 1692
SOLOMON WHITE, eldest son and heir of PATRICK WHITE—it was father’s desire that my brother PATRICK WHITE have 350 acres called Indian Creek Woods and 200 acres in Norfolk Co. on the North River.
Wit: Lemuel Phillips, Patrick Angus

Page 33-34
Knots Island - Jan. 20, 1692/3
We the subscribed being appointed by an order of Court dated 4 Jan 1692/3 to make an equal division of the estate of Mr. PATRICK WHITE, dec'd into six equal shares, doe find each one share to be 22/4/ 5 by (unreadable) and 14 head of cattell (vizt) six cows, two three year old cattell, two 2 yeare old, one 3 year old steere, one four yeare old steere, one 5 year old steere, one six year old steere, & two sheep to each share, (unreadable) dead mare & eight horse appraised by us…

Page 34
April 5, 1692-May 3, 1693
ELIZABETH WHITE of Knotts Island (Will)
Wit: William Boggs, John Sullivan, John Sandford

Page 38
July 5, 1693
ISABELL SPRATT, widow of HENRY SPRATT, deed of gift to son THOMAS of 300 acres upon Coratuck Bay called Nawney’s Creek; if he dies without issue then to son HENRY.
Wit: Malachy Thruston, Francis Sayer, Otho Russel

Page 41
September 6, 1693
ISABELL SPRATT, widow of HENRY, and son HENRY trade 300 acres to daughter ISABELL now wife to FRANCIS SIMPSON.
Wit: Malachy Thruston, Thomas Hall

Page 54
Last day of January 1693/94
…I EVAN JONES of Knotts Island in Currituck in Princess Ann County…make my friend MALACHY THURSTON of Linhaven…my attorney…last day of Jan 1693/4.

Page 55
April 29, 1693
Administration of the estate of PATRICK WHITE granted to ELIZABETH WHITE, relict

Page 75
January 2, 1694/5

Page 78
Feb. 5, 1694/5
Sarah SANFORD deed of Gift to Sons Causon and Henry SANFORD
Wit. Edward ATWOOD, HoratioWOODHOUSE

Page 78
Feb. 5, 1694/5
Power of Attorney from Sarah SANFORD to Brother Henry WOODHOUSE
Wit. Horatio WOODHOUSE, William MOORE

Page 80
15 Oct. 1694
JOHN GODDARD—nuncupative will—Katherine GASKINS alias LAND

Page 91
June 8, 1695
CAPT. FRANCIS MORSE Deed of Gift to Son FrancisMORSE 360 acres next to marshes of Knotts Island

Page 99
Sept. 4, 1695
Richard WICKER of Knotts Island to Daughter Mary BOOTH wife of George BOOTH 100 acres.
Wit. Edward JONES, Richard DRAPER, Patrick ANGUS

Page 135-136
March 3, 1896/7

...I Matthew BRINSON of Linhaven in Princess Anne County…whereas Mr Jno RICHASON of the County aforesd and I the said Matthew BRINSON had granted us 128 acres of land by patent dated 21 April 1695 being in the County of Princess Anne near to the sea side & joining to the fresh ponds...to John BROWN, JUNR, late of Knotts Island in the County aforesd…64 acres of land being the one halfe of the abovementioned patent and is the southward part of half of the sd patent lying next to the sea side and whereon the said John BROWN is now seated & dwelleth…3 Mar 1696/7./s/ Matthew BRINSONWitness: John BUCK, Peter MALBONE…I Mary BRINSON, wife of the abovenamed Matthew BRINSON…relinquish all my right to the abovesd land…3 Mar 1696/7/s/ Mary BRINSON

Page 138
August 8, 1694-May 5, 1697
Wife: FRANCES, executor
Wit: William Cornick, Martin Cornick

Page 144
February 22, 1696/7
FRANCES CAPPS power of attorney to brother RICHARD COX to obtain probate of late husband WILLIAM CAPPS.
Wit: Owen Sullivan, Patrick Angus

Page 215-216
November 6, 1698
I Christopher MERCHANT of Coratuck in North Carolina…my last will & testament……unto my son in law Tho TOOLEY…should take in the hands of John ALDRIDGE according to my agreement…unto my daughter Abiah TOOLEY…unto my son Willoughby MERCHANT…remainder of my whole estate to be equally divided between my wife Abiah and my son Willoughby MERCHANT…not withstanding my son is not of full age…what lands remain which did belong to me shall descend to my daughters eldest son and for want of heir male to her eldest daughter…wife Abiah executrix…brother in law Richard BRYON to oversee and direct my wife and son Willoughby.
/s/ Christ. MERCHANT
Witness: William ALTON, Nathll TOMS, Henry NEWMAN
Proved in Court by Nathaniell TOMS and Henry NEWMAN…Mar. 1, 1698/9
Witness: Pa: ANGUS, Clerk

Page 224-225
May 11, 1699
I, Joseph CHASE, Merchant of Coratuck in the Province of Carolina…constitute Solomon WHITE of Knotts Island in Princess Anne my attorney…11 May 1699.
/s/ Joseph CHASE
Witness: Henry SPRATT, Frances SPRATT

Page 233-234
September 29, 1694
John LEGGIT of Knotts Island…my last will and testament…to my wife…to my son John LEGIT my now dwelling plantation containing 200 acres of land…to my son David LEGIT 100 acres of land belonging to the same tract on Knotts Island…unto my son Alexander LEGIT 100 acres of land which is belong to the abovesd tract…to my wife…
/s/ John LEGIT
Witness: W. ORCHARD, Michaell JONES, George BOOTH
Proved in Court Nov. 1, 1699

Page 236
Jan. 3, 1699/1700
I Richard DRAPER of Coratuck in Princess Anne County…whereas my father Richard DRAPER, decd, had granted him 300 acres of land lying on the Eastward side of the North River in Coratuck precinct and now in Princess Anne County aforesd by patent dated 21 Oct 1687…beginning at a black gum, a corner tree of Robert SWAYNEs, and running by his marked trees (now Randolph LOVETTs) southwest by west 320 poles to the North River, thence bounding on the River south half easterly 68 poles, thence east 92 poles along the river, thence along the river south east 40 poles, thence south So east ¼ easterly 46 poles, then north east by east by a line of marked trees dividing this land and Daniell LANEs 146 poles to a marked white oak standing on the edge of a swamp thence through the swamp North 232 poles to the first mentioned black gum, and the sd land descended unto me by inheritance…in consideration of 100 acres of land in Black water exchanged with me by William LURREY of Black water in the County aforesd as by deed…confirm unto the abovesaid William LURREY 250 acres of land being all the land of the abovementioned patent except 50 acres of land joining upon the North River, which is divided from the land herein and sold by a semicircular line of marked trees…right of dower belonging to my mother in law, now the wife of Stephen SAULE…3 Jan 1699/1700.
/s/ Richd DRAPER
Witness: Solomon WHITE, William ALLEN, Henry SPRATT

Page 236-237
Jan. 3, 1699/1700
I William LURREY of Black water in Princess Anne County…in consideration of 250 acres of land being on the Eastward side of the North River in Coratuck precinct exchanged unto me by Richard DRAPER of the County aforesd…confirm unto the said Richard DRAPER 100 acres of land being on the south of Blackwater River in the County aforesd and is part of a patent of 300 acres of land granted to Benjamin CUMMING dated the ___ day of ____ and sold unto me by conveyance recorded in Princess Anne County records 1 Jan 1695…beginning at a gum in the branch side, thence east by So by marked trees 130 pole to a black oak, thence southerly by marked trees to the Cypress Swamp, thence bounding on the north side of the sd swamp according to its several courses to the first station…3 Jan 1699/1700.
/s/ William LURRY
Witness: Adam THOROWGOOD, William ALLEN, Henry SPRATT

Page 251
Feb. 8, 1699/1700 - May 7, 1700
Son: HENRY and his wife FRANCES
Daughter: AMIE
daughter of HENRY WOODHOUSE and his wife AMIE
Son: THOMAS and his daughter AMY
Daughter: MARY wife of SOLOMON WHITE
Ex: son HENRY and son in law HENRY WOODHOUSE
Wit: Edward Moseley, Henry Chapman

Page 270
Nov. 12, 1700 - Jan. 2, 1700/01
Will of SARAH JONES of Knotts Island
Son: WILLIAM EVANSto be executor
Bequest to Jno. JONES
Solomon WHITE
overseer of my son Wm. EVANS until he comes to the age of 21 years
Wit: Adam Broughton, Samuel Berrit, Ambros McCoy

Page 280
Sept. 21, 1696-May 1701
son of HENRY
daughter of EDWARD and SARAH
and his sister SARAH
Wit: William Simmons, John Walker

Page 284
Jan. 4, 1700-Jan. 30, 1700
Will of RICHARD WICKER of Coratuck in NC
Grandchildren: GEORGE BOOTH’s daughters ANNE and ELIZABETH
sons JOHN and JOSEPH
Wit: Anne Thomas, Peter Parker, Nathaniel James

Part 2; Page 339
May 8, 1702

Richard BOLTON, Jane BOLTON, Col. James WILSON & Mr. Tho. HODGES of Norfolk Co., co-executors to the last will & testament of Capt. Hugh CAMPBELL, dec'd., by power given to us by the said CAMPBELL, give, grant & transfer to Capt. Fran. MORSE of Princess Ann Co. a tract of land known by the name of black Charles lying in Coratuck presinct containing 300 cares as by patent bearing date Oct. 25, 1695. Consideration of 6000 pds. of tobacco. /s/ Richd. BOLTON; Jane BOLTON. Witnesses:Martha THURSTON; Florentis PORTER?

Part 2; Page 354 & 355
Oct. 20, 1691

Frans. NICHOLSON Lt. Gov. of Virgina grants to Jno. BIGGS JUNR of Princess Anne County 137 acres of land lying in the woods to the northward to the black water in Corrotuck precinct formerly in Lower Norfolk County but now in Princess Anne County called long one. Said land formerly granted to Danll. CANE by pattent dated Oct. 21, 1687 and by him deserted and is since granted to said Jno. BIGGS JUNR. by order of the general court at James City on Oct. 16, 1691 and is due him for the transportation of 3 sons to this Colony. /s/ Fr. NICHOLSON

Page 366
July 8, 1703
WILLIAM WHITE of Princess Ann Co., planter, to PATRICK WHITE of the same county, 100 acresof land to be taken out of a patent for 300 acres of land granted unto Wm WHITE in 1688…taken out of the south east end of the aforesd patent beginning at an old oak by the water side & thence running it several courses as is contained in the aforesd patent which said land being in Knots Island. /s/ William WHITE; Wit: M. BOUSH, Evan JONES, Jacob JOHNSON

Part 2; Page 377
Oct. 15, 1703

Richard BOLTON and his wife Jane of Norfolk Co., VA, for 6000 pds. of tobacco, sold to Jacob JOHNSON, SENR. of Princess Ann Co., VA, a tract of land in Corrutuck Precinct containing 300 acres commonly called & known by the name of black Charles. As by pattent bearing date of Oct. 25, 1695. /s/ Richard BOLTON; Jane BOLTON. Witnesses: Matth. SPIVEY; Tho. WALLIS; Maxil. BOUSH

Page 382
Nov. 3, 1703
Wit: C. co*cke, Charles Sayes

Page 391
April 24, 1704
RICHARD JARVES of Coratuck power of attorney to RICHARD SANDERSON to receive legacies due him as marrying DINAH WOODHOUSE daughter of JOHN and RUTH Woodhouse

Page 398
June 7, 1704
JOSEPH SANDERSON of Coratuck power of attorney toJoell CORNICK to represent him in suits brought by EDWARD OLD and WILLOUGHBY MERCHANT against him as having married MARY TOOLY daughter of THOMAS TOOLY and Admnx of her sister JANE TOOLY, dec.
Wit: Christopher Burrough, John Carroway Jr.

Page 408
Sept. 7, 1703
WILLIAM RUSSELL and WILLIAM BELL of NC to THOMAS BODNAM for 30 lbs. 150 acres given to WILLIAM RUSSELL and his sister ANN now wife of WILLIAM BELL by WILLIAM HILLYARD.
Wit: John Richason, John Heldon

Part 2; Pages 415, 416
May 4, 1704

Richard SANDERSON, JUNR of Corrotuck prescinct in North Carolina by virtue of a general & full power of attorney given to me by my brother Richard JARVIS who married Dinah, daughter of Jno. WOODHOUSE, appoints Joel CORNICK, attorney at law, to bring suit against any or all persons in the said county to recover such claims, legacies or dues as said JARVIS may be owed. /s/ Rich. SANDERSON; Witnesses: John RICHASON; Wm. MOSELEY.

Page 416
May 2, 1704
RICHARD SANDERSON of Corrituck who married GRACE daughter of JOHN WOODHOUSE power of attorney to JOEL CORNICK
Wit: John Richason, William Moseley

Page 419
March 17, 1704/5
SOLOMON WHITE to RICHARD SMITH for 70 lbs., 150 acres known as Rich Neck in Blackwater precinct patented by PATRICK WHITE father of said SOLOMON
Wit: Thomas Mason

Part 2; pg. 433
April 27, 1705

Deed of Gift from Henry SOUTHERN of Black Water, Princess Ann Co., Va., to his sister Elizbeth PHILPOTT all the land I have on the west side of Herron Run between said Run & Benj. CUMMINGS containing 100 acres. And to his sister, Jane MOORE, 100 acres lying between James TOOLEYs line and John BIGGS commonly known by the three poplars ridge. /s/ Henry [H] SOUTHERN; Witnesses:Redacka OLD; Thomas CORPREW. Recorded June 6, 1705.

Page 436
June 7, 1705
RICHARD CHURCH to granddaughter ELIZABETH THOROWGOOD daughter of ARGALL THOROWGOOD deed of gift of a mare in the care of ELIZABETH's father-in-law THOMAS TREVATHAN
Wit: Richard Corbitt, Robert Burrough

Page 438
Sept. 3, 1705
RICHARD CHURCH of Norfolk Co. power of attorney to son-in-law RICHARD CORBITT

Part 2; Page 461
Sept. 7, 1706

Peter POYNER of Corratuck presink in Albemarle Co. sold to Wm. WALLIS of Norfolk Co., VA, a parcel of land lying in Princess Ann Co. on the northeast side of the Northwest [River?], it being the 370 acres I purchased from Wm. STAFFORD which is bound by the pattent of said STAFFORD, except 150 acres granted & acknowledged in Princess Ann Court to Aron PRESCOT. /s/ Peter POYNER; Witnesses: Thomas DAVIS, Thomas [TM] MILLER, Eliz. DAVIS.

Part 1; Page 465
May 5, 1706

Christopher co*ckE of Princess Anne Co., executor of Capt. Thomas co*ckE, dec'd. whose will was dated August 28, 1679, sold to Thomas DAVIS of Norfolk, Co., taylor, a tract of land containing 330 acres purchased by the saidThomas co*ckE, dec'd, of Henry SLAT [Slade?] of Corrituck prinsinct being in Black Water Neck on the northeast side of North West River in Princess Ann Co. /s/ C. co*ckE; Witnesses: Lewis CONNER; Jno. FULCHER; Jno. CORNICK.

Part 2; Page 465
Dec. 23, 1706

Thomas WILLIAMS of Corituck in Albemarle County appoints John RICHASON of Princess Anne County, VA as his lawful attorney to act in his behalf in all causes. /s/ Thomas WILLIAMS; Witnesses: Peter MALBONE; Richd. EILAND, SENR; John JACKSON.

Part 2; Page 467
Nov. 8, 1706

George BULLOCK of Knotts Island in Princess Anne Co., VA appoints his friend Reodoliphus MALBONE as his lawful attorney. /s/ George [x] BULLOCK; Witnesses: Solomon WHITE; Mackall? JONES.

Part 2; Page 477
Feb. 5, 1708

Jno. MALBONE, planter, sold to Richd. EILAND JUNR. for 13 pds. sterling, a tract of land containing 300 acres being in Corrutuck precinct and known by the name of black Charles. /s/ John [JM] MALBONE; Witnesses: Wm. BOUSH; Evan JONES; Jacob JOHNSON.

Part 2; Page 482
Feb. 26, 1708

Elizabeth CLARK of Corrituck presinck in Albemarle County appoints Mr. Thomas COOPER [CORPREW in the deed below] of Princess Anne Co., VA her lawful attorney to make a good & lawful sale of her house & land. /s/ Elizabeth [x] CLARK. Witnesses:George [CW] WARRINGTON; Willby MERCHANT.

Part 2; Page 483-484
Feb. 26, 1707/8

Elizabeth CLARK of Corrituck presinck in Albemarle County, for the consideration of 4 cows & calves already paid and for divers other considerations, sold to Wm. DAUBY?/ DARBY? of Princess Anne Co., Virginia, a tract of land containing 244 acres lying on the North side of Northwest River in Princess Anne Co. and known by the name of Hecter DONBYs bounded on the west side by Capt. Jno. GIBBS land and running down to beaver dam. /s/ Eliz. [x] CLARK. Witnesses: George [CW] WARRINGTON; Willob. MERCHANT. Acknowledged in open Court of Princess Anne County by Thomas CORPREW, Atty. of Eliz. CLARK March 3, 1707/8.

Part 2; Page 484
Mar. 2, 1707

Mary SANDERSON of Corituck presinct in Albemarle County appoints George WARRINGTON of Princess Anne Co., VA as her lawful attorney to make good & lawful sale of any house or plantation that lawfully belonged to her. /s/ Mary [M] SANDERSON. Witnesses: Willoby MERCHANT; Wm, [DW] DAUBY?

Part 2; Page 484-485
Mar. 2, 1707/08

Joseph SANDERSON & his wife Mary of Corotuck presinck in Albemarle Co., for consideration of a negro woman which is already in our hands and for divers others considerations, sold to Thomas CORPREW of Princess Annr Co., VA, one-half of that plantation & half-tract of land containing 150 acres granted by patent to Thomas TOOLEY in 1675, lying on the north side of Black Water Creek in Princess Anne County and know by the name of Thomas TOOLEY's boounded on Richard EILANDS. /s/ Joseph SANDERSON; Mary [M] SANDERSON.

Part 2; Page 490
Apr. 5, 1708

Mickell FENTRESS of Princess Anne Co., VA sold to his son Moses FENTRESS for 10 pds. sterling, a tract of land containing 100 acres lying in the Cypress Neck at the head of North River in Corrituck, binding on Frances SHIPP, dec'd. /s/ Mickaell [M] FENTRESS. Witnesses: Ada THOROWGOOD C. co*ckE, Mont.? BELL

Page 491
April 8, 1708
KATHERINE HALL deed of gift to daughter MARTHA HALL daughter of THOMAS, MARY LAND, son FRANCIS LAND, son JOB GASKINS
Wit: M. Boush, Solomon Jones, Conner Callahan

Part 2; Page 494
Oct. 1, 1707

William BELL, planter, and his wife Anne BELL of North Carolina, for 30 pds. sterling, sold to Thomas BODNAM, planter of Princess Anne County, a tract of land containing 250 acres lying in Princess Anne County and bound on the south by George MOSES Dams, east by Edward COOPER &John WOODHOUSEs lands, north by the land of William MOORE formerly belonging to Peter CRESSEY, and west on the lands of Edward CANNON & Timothy DENNIS, it being a parcel that William HILLYARD bought of Joel MARTIN & Peter CRESSEY and given by said HILLYARD to Ann RUSSELL (now the wife of the said William BELL) and to William RUSSELL by the last will & testament of Horatio ______ bearing date of June 28, 1694. /s/ William BELL; Ann [x] BELL

Page 497
March 5, 1706/7
MICHALL JONES deed of gift to daughter MARY SIMMONS wife of MALBONE SIMMONS 50 acres in Knotts Island
Wit: Thomas Spratt, Joel Cornick, Reodophus Malbone

Part 2; Page 503-504
March 5, 1707/08

Marmaduke CAPELL of the province of Carolina, County of Albemarle and presinct of Corrutuck, for consideration of 20 pds, sold to George WARRINGTON of Princess Anne Co., VA a tract of land containing 100 acres lying on the side of the beaver dam between Frances JONES & Jno. OKE in Princess Anne County. /s/ Marmaduke [x] CAPELL. Witnesses: Max. BOUSH; Richd. EILAND SENR.

Part 2; Page 505
Oct. 31, 1707

Adam FERGUSON SENR. and his wife Elizabeth of Princess Anne Co., VA, for consideration of 10,000 lbs. of "neat sweet pork" sold to Joseph WHITE of Princess Anne Co., a plantation lying on the south side of North River containing 120 acres. /s/ Adam [A] FERGUSON. Witnesses:Adam FERGUSON JUNR.; Jno. [J] WARRINGTON; James TOOLY

Part 2; Page 506
Apr. 29, 1692

Francis NICHOLSON, Governor, grant to Adam FURGISON 120 acres lying on the westward side of North River swamp in Princess Anne Co., VA binding on the land of BEATCHER & Tho. TOOLEY. Said land due said Adam Ferfison for importation of 3 persons into this colony.

Part 2; Page 507? (page number is hard to read)
Date: ????

...I Marmaduke CAPELL of ye province of Carolina ye county of Albemarle & in ye pesinct of Currituck...set over unto George WARRINGTON of Princess Anne County in Virga:..200 acres pine in ye sd Marmaduke CAPELL lying and being on ye side of ye beaver dam between Frances JONES & Jno ELKS in Princess Anne County.../s/ Marmaduke CAPELL & seal

Signed Sealed & delivered inpresence of us

The above assignment is on ye back side of a pattent granted to Peter CAPELL by ye Lord HOWARD, Governr for 200 acres of land & assigned to WARRINGTON by Marmaduke CAPELL & ye pattent dated 27 Apr 1686.


Page 10
last day of August 1708
WILLIAM LURRY indenture of bargain and sale. WILLIAM LURRY of Coratuck precint & of Albemarle County in ye government of North Carolina...toSTEPHEN BURGESS...with consent of my wife DINAH...250 acres & is scituate lying & being in ye upper precinct of ye Eastern Shore of Lynhaven Parish in Princess Ann County in ye government of Virga as aforsaid & is lying on ye eastern side of ye north river of Corrotuck between ye land ofRANDOLPH LOVETT...DANIEL LAND...RICHARD DRAPER. /s/William [his W mark] LURRY. Witnesses: C. co*ckETT, Adam THOROUGOOD, William CAPPS

Page 14
Jan. 21, 1706
RICHARD BONNEY---Sons—John, Richard, William and Edward; Daughters Sarah FRANKLIN, Mary DAUGE, Constance CURLON, Phebe LAND, Margaret McCLALLAN and his wife DINAH. Ex. Son JOHN.
Wit. John JAMES, Edward JAMES

Page 56
Oct. 5, 1709
ADAM FARGISON & ELIZA FARGISON of nuce [Neuse?] in North Carrolina ...sold to...SOLOMON WHITE of Princess Ann County, for 70 pounds sterling, 221 acres lying on the southside of Black Water Creek in Princess Ann County which was granted to Jno. VAUGHAN on Oct. 9, 1675 and by his last will & testament given to his wife Eliza: COMINGS, now the wife of said FARGISON. /s/ Adam [his A mark] FARGISON and Elizabeth [her E mark] FARGISON. Witnesses:James HAYNES, Ricd. CORBITT, Jos. WICKER, Patrick JONES

Page 142
15th day of May 1711
THOMAS and MARY PERRY of Cedar Island in Princess Ann Co., VA to TIMOTHY IVES, JUNr of Carrotuck in ye Southward Government in Virga...100 acres on Knotts Island commonly called MASONs Land bounding unto RICHARD JONES on ye so side & likewise unto WILLIAM WHITE on ye North side. /s/ Thom. [his mark] PERRY and Mary [her mark] PERRY. Witnesses: Cornelious JONES; Robt. HUTCHINSON


Page 8

Will of Ashall HANco*ckE dated May 2, 1714, proved Nov. 1, 1714 - Bequeath unto my brother William HANco*ck all my land here and at Curretuck to him and to his heirs for ever.

Page 13
Dec. 3, 1714

This indenture made Dec. 3, 1714 between Moses PRESCOT of the County of Norfolk and province of Virginia and Elizabeth his wife, executrix of the last will and testament of Thomas DAVIS, decd, of the one party and Robert HAREFOOT of the precinct of Currituck County of Albemarle and province of North Carolina of the other party…165 acres of land…being on the north east side of the north west river and is part of that patent for 330 granted Henry SLADE and by him and Mr. Arthur MOSELEY, his attorney, sold to Capt Thomas co*ck and by Capt Christopher co*ckE, exc to the said Capt Thomas co*ckE, sold to the above said Thomas DAVIS, talyor, and by the said Thomas DAVIS, decd, his last will and testament ordered me his executrix to sell 200 acres of the said land and divide the money arising from the said sale between his wife, two sons, and his daughter… (there was another indenture for this same land dated the day after on4 Decon PAC DB 3, pages 13 – 14)
/s/ Moses (his mark) PRESCOTT and Seale
/s/ Eliz PRESCOT and seal

Sealed and delivered in the presence of

Page 38
Oct. 15, 1715

Know all men by those present that I Samuell WENTWORTH of Boston in ye County of Suffolk & Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, merchant, have nominated made ordained & appointed & by ____ in my _______ & constitute John WEBSTER of Hampton in ye Province of New Hampshire in New England, mariner, now bound for Currituck in North Carolina, to be my true & Lawfull attorney for me & in my name & to my use to ask demand sue for levy require recover & receive of & from all & every person & persons whosoever in Currytuck North Carolina & Virginia _____ all ___ sum & sums of money ___ effects merchandise and things whatsoever wch now are or which shall hereafter be due unto me & company by any way manner or means whatsoever (relating only to ye Currytuck ___ ) upon receipts or recovery & to ___ & give due ___ and to acqutances & discharges and to ____ attach _____ imprison ___ of ____ again when need shall be to deliver my balance account ___ conclude & ____ as ye matter shall or may require and generally ___ & ____ ___ ___ ___ such act or acts as shall be needful & requisite as I myself being ___ or could do personally _____ substitute hereby promising ratifie confirm allow & approve of for good valid & e____ all or whatsoever my sd attorney shall lawfully doe or cause to be done in ye premises by virtue ____ of ___.
/s/ Saml WENTWORTH & seale

Signed sealed & dl'd in presence of

Page 49
Sept. 1, 1715

Power of attorney from Joseph SANDERSON of Coratuck precinct in ye County of Albemarle in North Carolina govt to friend Henry WOODHOUSE of Princess Ann County in Virginia…to ask sue for leavy require recover & receive Capt. Horatia WOODHOUSE of princess ann county in virga: …all & ever such debt… in ye hands of aforesd Capt. Horatia WOODHOUSE, executor of John WOODHOUSE, administrator of Thomas BODMAN which are now due unto me as marrying Elizabeth ye daughter of Tho: BODMAN.
/s/ Jos: SANDERSON & seal

Signed sealed & del'd: in ye presence of us

Page 73
Dec. 5, 1715

This indenture made between David LEGAT of ye parish of Linhaven & county of princess ann, planter of ye one part & William WICKER ye younger of Knotts Island in ye parish and county aforesd, yeoman, of ye other part…tract of land…being on Knots Island in ye parish & county aforesd containing 100 acres of land which was given & bequeathed me by my decd father John LEGATs last will & testament & since confirmed me by my brother John LEGAT as by his deeds to me dated ye 15thday of November last …

/s/ David (his mark) LEGAT
Sarah (her mark) LEGAT

Signed Sealed & deld in presence of
Tho: (his mark) COTANCES

At a court held ye 7thDecember anno Domm 1715
Then came David LEGATT & acknowledged the above lease to Wm WICKER also Mr. Willoughby MERCHANT attorney of Sarah LEGAT acknowledged all her right & title of dower to ye same & on ye sd WICKERs motion is ordered to be recorded. (The release of this land followed this lease on the same page)

Page 74
Dec. 6, 1715

Sarah LEGAT of Coratuck in North Carrolina…appoint Willoughby MERCHANT of princess ann county my … attorney…interest of a plantation & tract of land containing 100 acres bounded on Wm WICKERs land upon Knotts Island to ye sd Wm WICKER of princess ann county
/s/ Sara (her mark) LEGAT

Eliza: (her mark) JONES

Page 74
Nov. 14, 1715

This indenture made between John LEGAT of Coratuck in ye province of north Carolina of ye one part & David LEGAT of princess ann county in Virginia of ye other part…sell unto David LEGATT all that tract & parcel of land which my father John LEGAT dec'd by his last will & testament dated September 9, 1694 & was proved in princess ann county court November 1, 1699 being 100 acres more or less (only for life) gave & devised to ye sd David …being on Knots Island in ye county aforesd. [The release of this land is recorded directly after the lease]
/s/ John (his mark) LEGAT

Signed sealed & deld in presence of us
Thos: DUDLEY Josias (his mark) MORRIS

Page 75
Nov. 15, 1715

…we John LEGIT & Agnus LEGIT of Coratuck in North Carrolina…appoint… William WICKER of Knots Island in Virginia …to acknowledge in princess ann county court one indenture of lease and release bearing even date with those presents for 100 acres of land more or less scituate lying & being in Knotts Island in virga: to David LEGIT
/s/ John (his mark) LEGIT

Signed Sealed & Del'd in presence of us
Thomas DUDLEY Wm (his mark) WICKER, SENR

Page 76-77
April 30, 1715

Indenture made between Samuel SIMMONS & Hanna SIMMONS his wife of ye one part & Thomas DUDLEY of Knotts Island in princess ann county of ye other…sell unto Thos: DUDLEY ye one moiety of a plantation in Knotts Island containing 100 acres & is ye moiety of a tract given by Richard WICKER & acknowledged in princess ann records 4th September 1695 (relation to ye same being had will appeare) to his then daughterMary BOOTH, wife of George BOOTH. [The release to this land follows on page 77]
/s/ Sam (his mark) SIMMONS
/s/ Hanna (her mark) SIMMONS

Sealed & del'd in presence of us

Page 93
August 1, 1716

This indenture between Thomas SHEPARD of ye county of princess ann of ye one part & William WICKER ye younger of same place of ye other part…to Will: WICKER…ye full one moiety & equall half part of a certain tract of land scituate at Knotts Island in ye county aforesd containing 454 acres…being the northern most end thereof which is adjoining to ye land ofCornelious & Richd JONES on ye sd Island and was purchased by ye sd Thos: SHEPARD of Mr. Samuel SPRUELL & Eliza: his wife. /s/ Thomas SHEPARD. Witnesses: W. RAGDALE; C. co*ckE

Page 111-112
June 6, 1716

This indenture between Thomas SHEPERD of ye county of princess ann to James ANSELL of ye same place…ye full moiety & equal half part of a certaine tract scituate at Knots Island in ye county aforesd containing 454 acres being ye southern most end thereof which is adjacent to ye land of Mr. Solomon WHITE on ye said Island & was purchased by ye aforesaid Thos: SHEPARD of Mr. Samuel SPRUELL. /s/ Thomas SHEPARD. Witnesses: Richd. EILAND SENR.; ____ BOUSH

…I Ruth SHEPARD of Knots Island in princess ann county in ye colony of Virginia appoint Patrick JONES my attorney…land which my husband Thomas SHEPARD now possesses on Knots Island as a (unreadable) being 227 acres being ye southern most end of ye tract to James ANSELL… 4 May 1716. /s/ Ruth (her mark) SHEPARD. Witnesses: Cornelious JONES; Timothy (his mark) IVES

Page 129
Feb. 10, 1714

…I Walter JONES of ye county of princess ann & dominian of Virginia for divers good causes & considerations me hereunto moving & being well assured of ye integrity & faithfulness of Gilbert HALLIDAY, late of Norfolk county, now of ye county of princess ann…appoint ye said Gilbert HALLIDAY to be my lawfull attorney...set over two thirds of a tract of land or sand banks to the southward of curratuck inlet in north Carolina which I ye said JONES bought of Capt James DAUGE to Edmund ASHBY & William HANco*ck, exe of the last will & testament of Ashwell HANco*ck, decd, his brother.
/s/ Walter JONES

Signed sealed & deld: in presence of us
William CAPPS Robert BELL

Page 130
March 2, 1715/16

Princess Ann County In Virginia Knots Island…I George BULLOCK…unto my loving grand daughter Mary SIMMONS, wife to Malbone SIMMONS…one piece of land containing 20 acres butting upon land belonging to ye said Malbone SIMMONS, formerly given him by me…/s/ George (his mark) BULLOCK. Witnesses: Michell JONES SENR.;Michell JONES

Page 145-146
April 9, 1717

This indenture made .between Henry WOODHOUSE of Coratuck precinct in ye Government of north carrolina of the one party and Horatio WOODHOUSE of princess ann county in ye government of virga: gent of ye other party…sell unto ye said Horatio WOODHOUSE….133 acres of land scituate lying and being in ye lower precinct of ye Eastern Shore of Linhaven in princess ann county…bounded as followeth, vizt: on ye east or eastward side of a place called the dams issuing out of Grigory’s creek which comes out of Woodhouses bay beginning at a marked Spanish oake on ye eastward side of ye said dams near ye bridge & runs thence east south east seventy poles to a marked hickory in Henry WOODHOUSE line thence along a line of marked trees & bounding on Henry WOOSHOUSEs, WHITE & BASSNET south 322 poles to a chicopen stake thence west south west 62 poles to a marked maple and white oak in ye head of the dams branch thence down the eastward side of ye dams on several courses and bounding thereon to ye first station wch aforesaid 133 acres of land … is by patent bearing date the 28thday of October anno 1697 granted to John WOODHOUSE of princess ann county & by a deed of conveyance bearing date the 4thday of January 171:2/1 by him sold to me ye said Hen: WOODHOUSE[The release to this land follows on page 146 and 147]
/s/ Henry WOODHOUSE & seal

Signed sealed & del'd in ye presence of us

Page 147
April 10, 1717

…I Henry WOODHOUSE of Coratuck precinct in ye Government of north carrolina…appoint…friend… Anthony WALKE of princess ann county in ye government of Virginia my … attorney…of 133 acres of land … being in princess ann county.
/s/ Henry WOODHOUSE & seale

Signed Sealed & del'd in ye presence of

Page 160
July 30, 1717

…I Edmund PORTER, son & heir of John PORTER of North Carrolina, gent, decd: …appoint…Anthony WALKE … my attorney…in case of his absence, Mr. John ACKISS…to acknowledge to Mr. Geo: KEMP…by way of lease & release dated 31stday of Jul 1717. [This is followed by the lease and release of 30 acres of land]
/s Edmd: PORTER & seale

Signed sealed & del'd in presence of us
John (his mark) ACKISS SENR. Kath: (her mark) HAMMONS
William HANco*ck Ann (her mark) KEMP

Page 169
Sept. 10, 1717 - Will of William WICKER

…I William WICKER of princess ann county in ye colony of virga:…unto my son Richard WICKER my plantacion & tract of land on Knots Island whereon I now dwell & one tract of land adjoining th(unreadable) unto which I bought of David LEGGIT & one negro man named George…to my daughter Mary WICKER one young negro woman named Rose after her mothers decease & if ye said negro woman doth bring children by will & desire is that daughter Sarah WICKER have ye first that lives & my daught: Hannah WICKER have ye second that lives & my daughter Betty WICKER have ye third that lives…to my abovesd daughter Mary one cow & one two year old heifer …to my daughter Sarah WICKER one cow & one two year old heifer…to my said daughter Sarah one feather bed & furniture...to my daughter Hannah WICKER one cow & one two year old heifer…to my daughter Betty WICKER one cow & one two year old heifer…if my sd son Richard WICKER deceases without issue that my daughter Mary WICKER have my now dwelling plantation & ye land belonging to ye tract according to patent...my plantation that I bought of David LEGET to my daughter Sarah WICKER…to my youngest son Willis WICKER 220 acres of land which I purchased of Thomas SHEPHERD & one feather bed & furniture & one iron pot & one cow & one 2 year old heifer…loving wife Mary WICKER my exec. /s/ William WICKER. Witnesses: Solomon WHITE; Malbone SIMMONS; Richard (his mark) JONES. Proved Nov. 6, 1717

Page 234
2d May 1718
North Carolina
Know all men by those presents that I DENNIS RIORDANE of Currytuck in ye province aforesd do make ordaine constitue & appoint my loving wife SARAH RIORDANE to be my lawfull attorney for me & in my name & stead to enter into one plantation & tract of land (lying in princess Ann County in ye Colony and Dominion of Virga & bounding on ye northwest river containing by estimation 122 acres) or any part or parcell of ye said land & plantation in ye name of ye whole & in my name and stead to expell & put out all other person or persons & full & peacable posission & seisine of ye sd land and plantation for me & in my name & stead to take and after such seisin & posession so thereof had and taken fully & in my name & stead to deliver over unto SOUTHWOOD DANBY to hold to him & his heirs to ye only use of him & his hears for ever according to ye true intent & meaning of those presents and afterwards to appeare in princess ann court in ye colony & Dominion aforesaid & then & there for me and in my name & stead in open Court to acknowledge all my right title & interest of ye aforesaid land & plantation unto ye said SOUTHWOOD DENBY according to ye form & effort of an assignment on the back of ye pattent ratifying allowing & holding for firm whatsoever my said attorney shall doe in & about ye promises In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seale this 2d day of May anno 1718.

Signed Sealed & ded in ye presence of /s/ Denis RIORDANE & Seale
Mary (her M mark) DENBY Sam:l SIMMONS
Princess Ann: At a Court held ye 6th of May 1719 then ye above power of attorney was proved in Court by ye oaths of Samuel SIMMONS & Mary DENBY & order sd to be recorded

Page 261
April 23, 1719
June 3, 1719
Henry WOODHOUSE Elder---eldest Son Phillip, younger Son William, Wife Elizabeth, Daughter Mary. Ex. Wife

Page 275
Sept. 1, 1719
RICHARD SMITH Elder to Son Thomas 100 acres in Blackwater
Wit. Willoughby MERCHANT, Richard CORBETT, Sarah SOLLEY

Page 275
April 15, 1719
Sept. 2, 1719
JAMES DAUGE----Sons- John, Richard, and William (New Plantation) Daughters Mary, Macena and Nowdina, Daughter Jacqueline CANNON; Sons James and Peter (land in Currituck), Wife Mary. James’s share to go to Richard and Peter if he doesn’t come to claim it within 6 years. Ex. Wife and her Brother John BONNEY
Wit. William BONNEY, Edward BONNEY

Page 276
May 13, 1719 -Aug. 5, 1719
Will of JOHN DAULEY—Sons John (land in Muddy Creek called George’s Quarter), William (Sasafras Ridge), Thomas (land on Broken Ridge and White Oak Plain), Henry and Dennis. Daughters Elizabeth WOODHOUSE, Mary FOUNTAIN and Margret; Granddaughters Mary FOUNTAIN, and Mary WOODHOUSE, Wife Mary. Executrix. Wife.
Wit. Edward A. CANNON SR., Robert HUTCHINSON

Page 331
March 13, 1715/16 - Will of Richard JONES

I Richard JONES of Knots Island & in princess ann county in virga:…to my eldest son Cornelious JONES ye plantation he now lives upon…to my son Richard JONES my now dwelling plantation my whole tract of land upon Knots Island to be equally divided between my above mentioned two sons…unto my eldest daughter Ann JONES a parcel of land called Hickory Island with ye marshes belonging to ye abovesaid land 100 acres provided I doe not sell ye abovesaid land in my lifetime…unto my said daughter Ann JONES all ye cattle of her mark…should happened to die before me ye abovesaid shall fall to her brother Richd: JONES…to my loving wife Rachel JONES all my other estate...if my said wife doth happen to marry again then my estate to be divided amongst my wife & six children as namly Richd: JONES, Eliza: JONES, Sarah JONES, Rebeccah JONES, Jane JONES, Leah JONES

/s/ Richd. [his RI] JONES

Test: John (his marke) MALBONE; Henry WHITE; Robt: HUTCHINGSON

At a court held ye 1 Jun 1720 - Then ye above last will ofRichd JONES decd: was presented in court by his exec Who made oath thereto & being proved by ye oaths of John MALBONE & Robt: HUTCHINGSON witnesses there to is admitted to record

Page 336
August 1, 1720

Know all men by those presents that I William DAVIS & Mary my wife of ye presinct of Coratuck in ye County of Albemarle & province of North Carolina do by those presents make ordaine constitute & appoint our friend Willoughby MERCHANT of Princess Ann County in Virga: to be our true & lawfull attorney for us & in our names to acknowledge our deed of sale of land to Daniel GLASCO JUNR: for a certaine parcel of land as by ye said deed is manifest & whatsoever our said attorney shall lawfull doe in & about ye premises we doe by those presents hold for firm & valid as tho: we ourselves were personally present at ye doing thereof as witness our hands & seales this 1st day of August anno Dom: 1720.

Signed sealed in presence of /s/ Wm DAVIS & Seale
David DUNCAN/s/Mary DAVIS & Seale
Thomas (his mark TE) ELKS
At a court held ye 3d August 1720 then ye above Power of attorney was proved by ye oaths of boath the witnesses and ordered to be recorded

Following this Power of Attorney of William & Mary DAVIS there is a deed between William DAVIS of Albermarle County (doesn't mention a precinct) in ye province of North Carolina of ye one part and Daniel GLASco*k JUN: of Princess Ann County in Virga: of ye other...one certain parcel of land scituate lying & being on ye north side of ye Northwest River in Princess Ann County in Virginia, 100 acres of land.

Page 339
Sept. 5, 1720

…I Rachel JONES of princess ann county in Virginia..unto my son Cornelius JONES of ye county aforesaid…a tract of land he now lives upon containing 100 acres being on Knots Island in ye county of princess ann being part of a parcel of land by patent granted to me by adventurers right bearing date 20 Apr 1682…beginning at a pine by the bay side & running W by N 320 pole to a pine thence S by W 50 then E by S by marked trees to the head of a branch so bounding on ye north side of ye said branch & creek to the mouth thereof then N B E 50 pole to ye first station. /s/ Rachel (her mark) JONES. Witnesses: Tho: TAYLER JUR.; And: PEAco*ck

I Rachel JONES of princess ann county in Virginia…unto my son Richard JONES of ye county aforesaid…a tract of land I now live on containing 100 acres being on Knots Island in ye county of princess ann being part of a parcel of land by patent granted to me by adventurous right bearing day 20 Apr 1682…beginning at a pine by ye bay side & running W by N 320 pole to a pine then N by E 50 pole then E by S 300 pole to a pine on ye bay side S by W fifty pole to ye first station. /s/ Rachel (her mark) JONES. Witnesses: Tho: TAYLER JUR.; And: PEAco*ck

Page 409-410
Dec. 30, 1721

…I Evan JONES of Knots Island, alias Hoskins, of princess ann county in virga:…for ye love & affection I bare to my loving daughter Elizabeth MALBONE…land containing 50 acres…beginning at a bridge from ye (unreadable) north & so running from that (unreadable) place at ye north end of a ditch which seperates me & ye Indian creek. /s/ Evan JONES. Witnesses: Robt. HUTCHINGSON; William GISBORN; Randolph SPENCE

Page 411-412
Dec. 30, 1721

I Evan JONES SENR, of Knots Island, alias Hoskins Island, of princess ann county in virga:…grant unto my son Evan JONES JUNR a tract of land & marshes containing 400 acres more or less beginning at a bridge from ye great marsh so running to ye north end of a ditch which seperates me and the Indian Creek & from a ditch to a place called Little Island & from thence to a place called ye 4thcorner tree westerly & from thence adjoining upon William PURDY’s line to the back creek & so along to ye beginning bridge. /s/ Evan JONES. Witnesses: Robt. HUTCHINGSON; Randolph SPENCE; William GISBORNE

Page 413
June 6, 1722

Then came before us Col: Edward MOSELEY of ye County of princess Ann & Depon'd upon ye holy Evangelist thatWilliam WEST who now liveth at ye North River of Coratuck Bay in Said County is ye reputed Son of William WEST SENr: Decd & Susannah his wife daughter of Wm Chickester ye pilot & that he ye Said Wm WEST SENr: dyed at ye plantation where he ye Said William WEST JUNr: his Said reputed Son now Liveth. Given under my hand this Sixth day of June anno Dom 1722. Sworn to ye 6th June 1722 & ordered to be Recorded
/s/ Edw: MOSELEY

Then came before us Arthur BLAKE of ye County pf princess Ann & Depon'd upon ye holy Evangelist thatWilliam WEST is ye reputed Son of William WEST SENr who formerly lived in North Carrolina at ye plantation of Perquimans who returned to ye plantation of William WEST JUNr: his Said Son where he now liveth going by ye Name of North river of Coratuck Bay in Said County and there Dyed. given under my had this Sixth Day of June anno Dom: 1722. Sworn to ye 6th June 1722 & ordered to be Recorded
/s/Arthur BLAKE

Then came before us George BOOTH of ye County pf princess Ann & Depon'd upon ye holy Evangelist thatWilliam WEST who now liveth at ye North river of Coratuck Bay in Said County is ye reputed Son of William WEST SENr Decd who formerly lived at North Carolina at ye plantation perquimans & that Eliza: BOOTH Decd: ye mother of me ye Said Deponant brought too? bed? Susanah WEST mother of ye Said William WEST about ye year 1683: & baptised about a month after ye Decease of his Said father William WEST. Given under my hand this 6th day of June 1722. Sworn to ye 6th June 1722 & ordered to be Recorded
/s/George [his mark] BOOTH

Pages 460-461
August 7, 1722

This indenture made between Timothy IVES of Coratuck presinct in ye county of Albermarl & in ye province of No Carrolina of ye one part & Andrew PEAco*ck of knots Island of princess ann county in Virga: of the other part....land being on Knots Island in ye county of princess & is part of a pattent granted unto Rachel CORNELIUS bearing date ye 20th day of Aprill 1682: & bounded as followeth beginning at a pine on a bay Ely from this land & running W: by N 320 p: by marked trees dividing this land & ye lands of Patrick White to a maple then S: by W; fifty p: then E: by S: 300 p: to a pine on ye bay then N: by E; fifty p: to ye first station being by estimation 100 acres more or less...Signed sealed & ded in presence of us
Cornelius JONES Richard (his marke RI) JONESAt a Court held ye 5th September 1722 then came Timothy IVES into Court & acknowledged ye within deed to Andrew PEAco*ck at whose reqt. ye same is ordered to be recorded
Timothy [TI] IVES & Seale
Rachell [R] IVES & Seale

Page 485-486
April 1, 1723

To all Christian people to whome those presents shall come I James HEATH of princess ann County in Virginia sends greeting in our Lord God everlasting & know yee that I ye said Jas: HEATH for many and good reasons & considerations and thereunto moving but more especially for ye fulfilling of my fathers last will & testament have given granted & confirmed & do hereby give grand and forever confirm unto my brother Robert HEATH of Coratuck presinct in the County of Albermarl in ye provence of North Carrolina one certain tract ... of princess ann aforesaid being part of the devidend of land wheron I now live commonly known by the name of Eagles nest ridge containing by estimation 200 acres or thereabouts as specifyed in my fathers last will...... set my hand & seale this first day of Aprill 1723 Princess Ann - At a court held ye 3rd of Aprill 1723Signed sealed & D? in prenes of Then came James HEATH into Court andRichd EILANDacknowledged ye above deed to his brother Robert James HEATH & SealeAnd: PEAco*ck HEATH at whose request ye same is ordered to be recorded

Page 558
May 4, 1724

Malbone SIMMONS and Mary my wife … love I bear unto my sister in law Sarah JONES… land containing 35 acres being on Knots Island in ye county of princess ann being part of a parcel by patent granted to my father in law Michael JONES, late of this county decd: by adventurers right which said granted patent did desend unto ye said Michaels four daughters. /s/ Malbone SIMMONS, Mary (her mark) SIMMONS. Witnesses: Francis WOODHOUSE, William CAPPS


Page 30-31
July 18, 1725

…I Dinah JONES of princess ann county in virga:…appoint Amos MOSELEY my attorney…a certain tract of land being on knots Island commonly known by ye name of Cartridge point unto Thomas DUDLEY of ye above county…28 Jul 1725. /s/ Dinah [her mark] JONES. Witnesses: Evan JONES, Cornelius JONES, Malbone SIMMONS, Levi CRESEY.

Lease / Release between Dinah JONES and Thomas DUDLEY

This indenture 3 Jul 1725…between Dinah JONES, widow & relict of Evan JONES, late of princess ann county in ye colony of Virginia & Thomas DUDLEY of ye above county & colony…a tract of land being on Knots Island in ye county aforesaid commonly known by the name of Cartwrights point containing 99 acres of land…ye said Dinah JONES being left as an executrix to sell over ye said land by her husband Evan JONES in his last will & testament dated 4 Jun 1716…was granted ye said Evan JONES by patent 23 Oct 1696.

(from release) Beginning at a ceader post standing in a marsh thence westerly along William WHITEs line to an oak being a corner tree thence all ye land that lies noly according to ye buts & bounds of ye patent together will all houses…for the term of 1 whole year.
/s/ Dinah (her mark) JONES

Signed sealed & del'd in presence of us

Page 49
Sept. 29, 1725

Know all men by those presents that I Joseph WICKER of the precinct of Corotuck in the County of Albermall & in ye province of North Carolina do ordain constitute nominate and appoint & in my place & stead put & deputed my loving friend Mr. Reodolphus MALBONE of princess an county to be my true and lawfull attorney for me & in my name to aknowledge a tract of land which lyeth on Knots Island in princess ann county aforesaid containing 200 acres unto Levi CRESSEY his heirs or assigns & use over my said attorney shall lawfully do therein I do by those presents promise to hold for good & valid in ye law as tho: it been actually done by myself in witness my hand & seale ye 29thday of September Dom: 1725.
/s/ Jo:s WICKER & seale

Signed and sealedIn Presence of
And: PEAco*ck
Cornel:s JONES
Ebenezer HARKER

Princess Ann: at a court held ye first xber [October] 1725 then ye within power was proved by ye oaths of Andrew PEAco*ck & Cornel:s JONES & ordered that ye same be recorded.

[NOTE: In Wicker's lease to Levi Cressey on May 7, 1725, Wicker is listed as being from "ye presinct of Cartret in ye county of Bath & provence of No Carrolina"]

Page 51
Nov. 30, 1725 - Levi CRESSEY Lease and Release Malbone SIMMONS

This indenture made 30 Nov 1725 between Levi CRESSEY of princess ann county & Malbone SIMMONS of ye same place…100 acres scituate on Knots Island in ye county aforesaid & is part of 200 acres which ye said CRESSEY bought of Joseph WICKER…during ye full term of 6 months.

(from release) Beginning at a stake standing in a marsh by Bullocks Creek running west 320 pole through an old field binding on a ditch into great marsh then so westerly 50 pole joyning on the land ye said CRESSEY sold Edwd: HAMSON then 320 pole to another stake on ye said creek then 50 pole to the first station.
/s/ Levi CRESSEY

Sealed & deliv'd n the presence of
And PEAco*ck

Page 52
Nov. 30, 1725 - LEGGET'S Lease and Release to LEGGET

This indenture made between Alexander LEGGET of princess ann county of ye one part & Thomas LEGGET of ye same place of ye other part...seventy acres of land more less scituated on knots Island in the county aforesaid & is part of 100 acres given & devised to Alexander LEGGET by the last will & testament of John LEGGET, deceased.
/s/Alexr [his mark] LEGGETT & seal

Signed sealed & deld: In the presence of

(from release)
.....beginning at a pine standing on white oak point running west 200 poles to a great swamp then bounding on ye said swamp westerly 50 poles then easterly to a stake ye beginning of 50 acres ye said Thomad LEGGET bought of Levie CRESSY and from thense 50 poles to ye first station.

Page 53
Nov. 30, 1725 - CRESSEY Lease and Release to LEGGET

This indenture made between Levi CRESSEY of princess ann county of ye one part & Thomas LEGGET of ye same place of ye other part...50 acres of land more or less scituated on knots Island in the county aforesaid & is part of 200 acres which ye said CRESSEY purchased of JosephWICKER.
/s/ Levi CRESSEY & seal

Signed sealed & deld: In the presence of
And: PEAco*ck

(from release)
.....beginning at a stake standing in a marsh by a creek called Bullocks creek runing west 320 poles into ye great marsh then So Easterly 25 poles for breadth, then easterly down to ye said creek then no east 25 poles to ye first station.

Page 199
July 9, 1728

Know all men by those presents that I Thomas SANDERSON of Currotuck presinct in the County of Albemarle & province of North Carolina do by those present appoint & in my place & stead put & deput my trusty & loving friend William CORBELL my true & lawful attorney for me & in my place & stead for me & in my name to acknowledge unto Jacob BARBER of princess ann county of virginia a certain peice of woodland ground containing one third part of a 100 acres to be acknowledged at the next court held for princess ann county in virginia ensuing the date hereof given & granting to my said attorney my full strength power & authority in ye said acknowledgement as I myself can do if I was personally present as witness my hand & seale this ninth day of July anno domo: 1728.
/s/ Thomas SANDERSON (seal)

Signed Seald & deld in the presence of

Frances SOREY
Augustus LANE

Princess Ann: At a Court held ye 7th of August 1728
Then the above power of attorney was proved by ye oaths of boath the witnesses thereto and on the motion of Wiilliam CORBELL is ordered to be recorded.

Page 232
March 3, 1728/29

Henry WHITE of virginia in ye County of princess ann, planter, ... in consideration of the love & good will which I do bare to my well beloved sister Elizabeth DUDLEY, wife to Robert DUDLEY, of knots Island in virginia ...me thereunto moving but more especially to fulfill ye desire of my Honed father Solomon WHITE, late of Corratuck, decd: ... a certain plantation being at ye north end of knots Island in princess ann county in virginia containing by estemation 250 acres.
/s/Henry WHITE & seale
/s/ Leady WHITE & seale

Signed sealed & deld: In presence of us

Page 360-361
Oct. 1, 1731

This indenture made between Eaustace STRIPES of Coratuck presinct in the County of Arlbermarle & province of North Carrolina of ye one part & William DYER JUNR: of the County of princess ann & colony of virginia of the other part...containing 57 acres of land more or less being part of a parcel land by pattent granted to Thomas FRANKLIN late deceased by adventure right bearing date the 20th day of October 1691 as by ye said pattent may appear bounded as followeth begining at a beach thence northly to a popler then eastly along Dearmores ridge to a mayple then Southly along Dauleys line to an Iron wood tree then along the relaplse land to ye first station.
/s/ Eaustace (his mark) STRIPES & Seale

Signed Sealed & Dd
In ye presenes of us
James (I) MORE

Princess Ann: At a Court held ye 6th of October 1731
Then came Eaustace STRIPES into Court and acknowledged the above release to William DYER JUNR: on whose motion the same is ordered to be recorded

Page 390
Feb, 6, 1732/3

Know all men by those presents that I Francis MORSE of Coratuck presinct in ye provence of No Carrolina yeom: have & by those presents do ordain constitute & appoint by trusty friend John CONNYER of ye county of princess ann & Dominion of virg: my true and lawful attorney for me & in my name & to my use authorized by power from Mr Samuel GARDNER of Boston in New England as in & by the said power of attorney lodged in ye office of sd county of princess ann may appear to ask & sue for leavy recover & receive of Geo: PURDY his heirs exors adms: or assigns ye sum or just ballance of a bill or promi:y note under ye hand of said George PURDY bearing date 13th day of January 1729/30: giving full power & authority to my said attorney to do or cause to be done all & every such act & acts thing or things in ye law whatsoever as if I were personally present or might or could do by virtue of ye aforesaid recited power of att:y to me directed in recovering ye said debt or ball: due ratifiying & allowing firm & stable what my said att:y shall lawfully doe in the promises./s/Francis MORSE & seal

Signed Seald & deld in the presence of
Presented in court the 7th of March 1732 and ordered to be recorded

Page 439
July 4, 1733
JOHN DAUGE Deed of Gift to daughters MARY and JOAN land in NC and VA

Page 439
July 4, 1733
Wit. Solomon WHITE Jr., John BUCKNER, Josiah MORRIS

Page 499
March 11, 1733/4 -April 3, 1734

Page 500
April 15, 1734
Will of JOHN DAUGE – Wife ELIZABETH, Sister NOWDINAHENLEY, Grandson JOHN WHITEHURST, Brother WILLIAM’s son JOHN,FRANCISWOODHOUSE, all my Brothers and Sisters. Ex. Francis WOODHOUSE
Wit. John BONNEY, William DAUGE

Page 533-534
Feb. 5, 1734
John HAILES of North Carolina Curratuc leases 100 acres to Henery JAMES of Princess Ann County for 6 months for 10 pounds current money, situated in the upper precinct of the Eastern Shore joyning on Thos. WARDs line, John HENDLEY's line and near Barard MOSSE land. /s/ John [his I mark] HAILES - Witnesses: John JAMES, James (his mark) ALBRITON


Page 17
April 1, 1740
CASON BUSKY and Wife Mary (only Daughter of John and Elizabeth CANNON and one of two Sisters (?) and coheirs of Edward LAND, JR.) to Anthony WALKE for 5 shillings, 670 acres where on Mary’s Grandfather EDWARD LAND lived.

Page 19
April 1, 1741
BENJAMIN DAUGE of Currituck in NC to John FENTRESS, JR., for 5 shillings 130 acres (same land James DAUGE gave to his Son Richard in his Will)
Wit. Anthony WALKE, John KEMPE, John FENTRESS, Michael FENTRESS


Page 307
March 17, 1752
JAMES DAUGE Deed of Gift to Brother RICHARD DAUGE 45 acres, part of plantation our father WILLIAM divided before PETER MALBONE and CORNELIUS HENLEY
Wit. John BONNEY, SR., Cornelius HENLEY

Page 311
March 17, 1752

Early Princess Anne Co., VA Deeds (1)

These records were kindly contributed by Janet Pinkham, Judy Merrell Brickhouse, and Mike Schoettle

Early Princess Anne Co., VA Deeds (2024)


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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Author information

Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.