Infographic Design Guide (2024)

Infographicsare used by companies small and large to educate their audience, build their brands or simply entertain. They’re basically “eye candy” that compiles different data visualization into a whole.

As more and more companies are using infographics to reel in consumers, it’s important to learn how to create one. We’ve pulled together the best do’s and don’ts of infographic design in this comprehensive guide to creating your very own infographic.

Choose a layout to match your topic

Infographic Design Guide (1)

There isn’t an exact set of rules for how infographics should look, but they do tend to fall into specific layouts. Picking from thetypes of infographicsis a great starting point as they’re all tried and true. Remember that as you consider each layout, you want to pick one that matches your topic. For instance, if you’re creating an infographic about the top places to live in the US, you’ll most likely want to use a geographic (not a resume) infographic.

Timeline infographic

A timeline infographic is best used when you’re showing the history of something. You can use this infographic to put events in chronological order. Or to outline the steps of a project, how-to and more.

Comparison infographic

This type of design infographic template has a symmetrical layout and is used to compare two different options on the same data point. Use this infographic design idea to compare your product to your competitor’s. Make sure that you don’t just list random facts but choose attributes that both options have.

Roadmap infographic

Use this infographic design if you’re showing data with a start and end point. Unlike the timeline infographic, this one focuses on stages rather than dates.

List infographic

A list infographic is one of the most used infographic templates. It can be used to create a checklist, explain a process, or show the top 10 reasons for x,y and z.

Geographic infographic

If you have a dataset specific to location, a geographic infographic is the best template to go with. You can use a map of the world, country, or even counties in a state.

Numbers-heavy infographic

If you want to tell a story with data, a numbers-heavy infographic is your best bet. You can use graphs and charts to summarize reports, share data that’s insightful, or synthesize data. Creative icons can help these kinds of infographics feel more fun than simple bar graphs.

Article summary infographic

An article summary layout is best for giving a brief overview of an in-depth article or blog post. This layout provides enough space for copy while also using imagery to create visual interest.

Resume infographic

Just as the title infers, a resume layout is meant to highlight an individual’s work experience and professional accomplishments in a visual way. Unlike a traditional resume, a resume infographic can use charts to show experience, a timeline for job experience, and icons to represent each section.

Visual backbone infographic

This kind of infographic centers around a single large image as the backbone of the piece. All points of data will break down one component of the visual. Use this layout to help consumers visualize parts of a whole.

Include these basic infographic elements

To make sure you don’t leave any pertinent information out of your infographic, double-check that you include each of these main elements: headline, explainer, subheads or labels, sections, backbone, explanatory text, CTA and sources. Each of these elements ensures that your infographic isn’t just a cool-looking piece of design but also includes entertaining or insightful information with a clear takeaway.

Headline:Include a brief headline that gets your audience to keep scrolling.

Explainer:This is a quick introductory text that explains what your infographic is about. Since concision is critical, feel free to skip complete sentences.

Subheads and labels:Using subheads or labels for each icon, chart or section can help break up your infographic while also providing a distinct outline.

Sections:Create sections for each idea in your dataset. You can use icons, lines or colors to separate them.

Backbone:No matter what layout you pick, you need a unifying design element to tie your infographic together. This is different from a visual backbone layout.

Explanatory text:Include brief copy to describe the idea for each section. Don’t let the copy take away from the graphic; instead, make sure the copy supports the graphic and not the other way around.

CTA:As with most of your content, include a CTA at the end of your infographic to move your audience to the next step.

Sources:Always cite your sources at the end of your infographic. These are often in small text at the bottom of your layout.

Choose a color palette

Once you have a layout and general outline for your infographic, it’s time to choose a color palette. A color palette can make or break your infographic. The right palette can reinforce the topic, organize information and solidify your brand. You don’t have to stick to your brand’s colors with infographics, but that color palette could be a good starting point.

Another good place to start is checking out the different types of color palettes. The most common color palettes in design are monochromatic, complementary, split complementary, analogous, triadic and tetradic.

Infographic Design Guide (2)


Follow these tips for picking the right color palette:

  • Use the tools at your disposal:There are several websites out there specially designed to help you pick the right palette. Sites likeAdobe Colorcan help you pair the right colors together, so you don’t unwittingly create an eyesore. These sites let you pick between a monochromatic or tetradic color scheme.
  • Pick a three-color palette to make it easy on the eyes:Too many colors can make the infographic overwhelming or interrupt the flow of it. Picking just three colors keeps things simple. Use one color as the background and the other two to break up the sections. Use shades of your three colors if you need to add more colors.
  • Make it universal:Pick a palette that fits the theme of the website and is neutral enough for a wide array of visitors. Your infographic will most likely get shared across other websites and social media — with a more neutral and simple color palette, you can guarantee that it won’t look out of place wherever it gets shared. So skip the neon on black, and try to avoid using white as your background.

Here are a couple examples of some great color palettes:

Infographic Design Guide (3)


Pick your typography

Focus first on titles and headings. You can use a fun, eye-catching font for the title of your infographic with a complementary sans serif or serif font for the rest of the text throughout your design. Try to stick with only two or three fonts total: one for the title (this can be bold and fun), another for the body text that’s easily legible, and if you want, pick another for headers. Remember, your visuals are what people should be focusing on, and a cool font can distract from that.

Additionally, don’t allow typography to become your crutch when you create infographics. Definitely be intentional with the fonts you pick, but don’t always default to flashy typography to show off an important date or number when you can visualize it a different way. Percentages can be visualized as pie charts, numerical values as bar graphs. The best infographic designs rely on icons, headers and dates with minimal explanatory text.

Here a couple infographic design ideas with great typography:

Infographic Design Guide (4)
Infographic Design Guide (5)

Icon do’s and don’ts

When it’s time to pick which icons to use, follow these do’s and don’ts.


Use labels

Infographic Design Guide (6)

Provide context

Infographic Design Guide (7)

Use icons as anchors

Infographic Design Guide (8)

Use background colors

Infographic Design Guide (9)

Provide visualizations

Infographic Design Guide (10)

Be mindful of sizing

Infographic Design Guide (11)


Use random icons

Infographic Design Guide (12)

Use multiple styles

Infographic Design Guide (13)

Forget to pair with text

Infographic Design Guide (14)

Use random colors

Infographic Design Guide (15)

Data visualization best practices

It’s important to understand data visualization best practices as one size doesn’t fit all. And it’s not about simply providing information to the masses. Here are five of the top data-visualization best practices to keep in mind as you learn how to design an infographic:

Emphasize the important points

Direct your reader’s attention through visual cues. This will make it easier to follow the story you’re trying to convey. Our eyes are drawn to symbols that send us important details at a glimpse. To build off of this, make sure that the style or order you show your data in makes sense to your audience.

Make use of color

Color is one of the most useful tools in data visualization. You can effectively communicate important info about your data through different color combinations (e.g., use a monochromatic color palette for sequential data.) Just be sure that your color choicesenhancethe differences in your data rather than make them more cluttered.

Ensure your data is readable in any format

Remember that your infographic may be viewed on multiple different devices. It’s vital that you create mobile-friendly content.

Keep dashboards and visualizations simple

Content should be snackable. Too much information in one place causes people to click out or just skim by. With a simple design, you can grasp your audience’s attention, pique their interest with the right facts, numbers, graphics, and then get them wanting more, ultimately leading them to follow through with your CTA.

Provide context

Your audience needs to understand the context of your recommendations or shared information. In order to get them to act on something, they need to understand how this information affects them or how they can affect it. “Donate today” or “Click here for more information” are some of the most common CTA’s used, but they won’t be clicked on without the right explanation for why your audience should care.

Infographic design principles

If you’re interested in designing your infographic from start to finish rather than using aninfographic maker, here are some basic design principles that will help you create the best infographic no matter your design skill level.

White space

White space is the area that’s free of any design element or text. It gives your content room to breathe, making it easier to consume. Include enough space around headlines and between sections.


As you create your design, double-check that all of the main elements align on the same vertical or horizontal axis. Also make sure that the spacing is the same between each section.

Show don’t tell

Your copy should support the visual, not the other way around. Too much text can make the infographic feel heavy and cause your reader to become disinterested. If you can say it visually, do so and ditch the text.


Contrast creates visual impact by placing different elements beside each other. If you choose a light background, then have your shapes and icons be in darker, bold colors. You can also create contrast through typography by putting your headers in larger text, followed by the subheader and then your body copy.


Consistency is key to keep your design flowing from start to finish. Your icons should be in the same style throughout your entire infographic, headers should be in the same font, and all your body text should be in one font too. Your color palette will also help your infographic remain consistent.

We’re sure that you’ll be able to create stunning infographics whether you just want to share stats on cat videos or optimize your search engine ranking. If you need some help starting your design, try ourinfographic templates.

Infographic Design Guide (2024)


What is considered 50% of a successful infographic? ›

About 50% of a successful infographic lies in compelling visual elements that effectively convey information. Strike a balance between visuals and text, ensuring that the infographic delivers its intended message.

What is a common mistake people often make when designing an infographic? ›

1) Incorrect or Weak Data Visualization

As data visualization geeks, this might be our biggest pet peeve in infographics. It's also an epidemic. Too many infographics feature misleading data visualization that incorrectly or inefficiently displays data.

Are infographics eye catching? ›

Infographics capture a reader's attention. They are generally flashy and more exciting than plain text. According to researchers, about 87% of web users who saw an infographic felt like reading the accompanying content while only about 40% read the text of a standard page.

What makes a bad infographic? ›

Crafting compelling infographics requires skillful finesse. Yet, these visual tools frequently stumble into traps that dull their impact. This article reveals the pitfalls to avoid—overwhelming text, misleading charts, incoherent narratives, irrelevance, generic designs, and poor sourcing.

What are the top 5 elements for creating an effective infographic? ›

Five key elements of designing an infographic
  • Attracting eyeballs and exciting. ...
  • Communicate accurately, and the information is clear. ...
  • Remove the rough and fine, simple and easy to understand. ...
  • Sight flows and constructs time and space. ...
  • Abandon the words and explain with pictures.

What is the number 1 reason why infographics are so effective? ›

1. As the saying goes “a picture is worth a thousand words”, since infographics have both 'pictures' and 'words', it represents the best of both worlds: the ability to dissect a complex subject, and the ability to sustain the attention of the reader while doing so.

Are infographics hard to make? ›

Infographic creation is hard work, go ahead and take a break. Sometimes projects are incredibly lengthy and time involving, and sometimes you just aren't into the subject matter personally.

What does a good infographic look like? ›

Good infographics don't merely use the “right” type of visual, they use it in the right place and in the right way. Visual elements should reinforce the key messages and be as concise and straightforward as possible. You don't want your audience to scratch their heads, you want them to have an “aha.”

What is the difference between graphic design and infographic design? ›

Graphic designers create static images or designs for products or websites, while infographicsgenerate data visualizations using charts, graphs, and tables to present complex information in an easily digestible format. Infographic designers may also include photography or motion graphics within their work.

Should infographics have full sentences? ›

Keep sentences short

You don't have a lot of “words” in this story, so those that you do use must be concise. Remember, an infographic is “fast” information. Select descriptive (but if possible, short) words that convey information quickly. It's OK to write in phrases or headlines instead of full sentences.

Are infographics outdated? ›

Infographics are an essential part of an effective content marketing strategy. Whether used in digital or printed media, well-designed infographics can communicate your information in a creative and engaging way.

What makes the best infographics so convincing? ›

Infographics have an emotional power because they can show you an idea — or a relationship, or how something works — very quickly. People respond to that. A persuasive infographic surprises the viewer. It moves them in some way and makes them want to keep looking at it or show it to other people.

What is known as the most important element of infographics? ›

The three most important infographics elements are data, visuals, and text. Data is the information that you want to communicate through your infographic. This can be anything from simple statistics to more complicated data sets.

How do you measure success of an infographic? ›

To measure the impact of infographics, employ key metrics such as engagement (likes, shares, comments), website traffic, and conversion rates. Analyze social media analytics to gauge reach and audience interaction. Utilize tools like Google Analytics to track web traffic originating from the infographic.

What are the key elements of a successful infographic? ›

The 9 Essential Elements of the Perfect Infographic [Infographic]
  • The fonts.
  • The title and headings.
  • The introduction.
  • The body copy.
  • The information and data.
  • The colours.
  • The visual aids.
  • The conclusion.
Oct 22, 2023

How do you know if an infographic is good? ›

Effective infographics are composed of few different attributes. They're well designed, they tell a good story, and also they are easy to understand. They give you a visual aspect of content in a manner that is easy and snackable.

How much information should an infographic have? ›

Be concise

The most-shared infographics have, on average, between 227 and 230 words. And this tells us a few key rules about texts on infographics: Visual elements should dominate. Texts should serve to direct attention to the main elements of the infographic.


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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

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Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.