How to Do a Logo Redesign for Your Company (Best Practices, Trends & Templates) (2024)

Table of Contents
Table of Contents Quick Read What is a Logo Redesign Logo Redesign vs. Logo Refresh The Importance of Logo Redesign Adapting to Change Capturing Attention Staying Relevant Enhancing Brand Perception Gaining Competitive Edge When to do a Logo Redesign? 1. When You Have Outgrown Your Current Logo 2. When You Have Changed Your Products or Services 3. When Your Audience Undergoes a Transformation 4. When New Competitors Enter the Scene 5. When Your Brand Identity is in Question 5 Logo Design Best Practices 1. Understand Your Brand Purpose 2. Keep it Simple and Flexible 3. Remember: Evolution, Not Revolution 4. Test Your Designs 5. Communicate Changes Clearly 10 Logo Templates You Can Start Using Now 1. Talkie - Logo Template 2. Nonprofit Logo Template 3. Scheduling Software Logo Template 4. Elearning Platform Logo Template 5. Marketing Agency Logo Template 6. Saas Company Logo Template 7. PixelGo - Logo Template 8. Food Blog - Logo Template 9. BBQ - Logo Template 10. Music Studio Logo Template The Logo Redesign Process Step 1: Define the Need for Redesign Step 2: Assess What to Modify and What to Preserve Step 3: Use a Logo Template Step 4: Customize the Template Step 5: Involve your Team in the Process Step 6: Create Multiple Versions of Your Logo Step 7: Test your Redesigned Logo 4 Brand Logo Redesign Examples 1. Pepsi 2. Meta 3. Burger King 4. X (formerly Twitter) Measuring the Impact of the Logo Redesign Make Necessary Adjustments Ready to Redesign Your Logo? Use Visme’s Logo Maker References

How to Do a Logo Redesign for Your Company (Best Practices, Trends & Templates) (1)

Your logo is the visual cornerstone of your brand's identity. A great logo can trigger an instant brand recall and set you apart from competitors.

Yet, even the most iconic logos become stale or dated, signaling the need for a redesign. Changes in your company, market trend, technology or consumer behavior may also prompt a logo redesign.

When well-executed, a logo redesign can breathe new life into your brand and keep it relevant. It infuses your brand with fresh energy, reposition it and drives growth.

But it's not without risk. Studies show that 75% of consumers recognize a brand only from its logo. One wrong move could hurt your brand's association, recognition and bottom line.

So, how do you pull off a logo redesign that elevates your brand instead of ruining it?

In this article, we'll explain everything you need for a successful logo redesign, from understanding the importance to actually designing the logo.

Feeling excited? Let's dive in!

Table of Contents

  • What is a Logo Redesign
  • The Importance of Logo Redesign
  • When to do a Logo Redesign?
  • 5 Logo Design Best Practices
  • 10 Logo Templates You Can Start Using Now
  • The Logo Redesign Process
  • 4 Brand Logo Redesign Examples
  • Measuring the Impact of the Logo Redesign

Quick Read

  • Logo redesign is the process of taking a company's existing logo and reworking it to make it more modern, relevant, or versatile.
  • A logo redesign is crucial because it helps a company adjust to changes, grab attention, stay up-to-date, improve the brand and get ahead of the competition.
  • Here are logo redesign best practices to keep in mind: understand your brand purpose, keep it simple, make changes gradually, test the design and communicate the changes.
  • The steps for redesigning your logo include identifying the need, deciding what to change and keep, using a template and customizing it, collaborating with the team, creating different versions, and testing the new logo.
  • Visme's logo templates are a great starting point for redesigning your logo, as they are easy to customize and come ready with various design elements.

What is a Logo Redesign

A logo redesign is the process of making changes to or completely revamping a company's existing logo. This may include modifying the color scheme, typography, imagery or overall design elements.

The primary goal is often to bring the logo up to date, align it with the evolving brand identity or market expectations, enhance its versatility or address any design flaws in the logo.

Companies consider logo redesigns when rebranding or going through operational changes. A successful logo redesign can give a company a fresh new image, attract new customers and increase brand loyalty among existing ones.

Logo Redesign vs. Logo Refresh

A logo redesign involves a complete overhaul of your existing logo. This means creating a new logo from scratch while incorporating essential elements representing your brand's core values and identity.

You can opt for a logo redesign if your business is undergoing significant changes, such as a change in target audience, services or overall brand direction. It provides a fresh start and can help reposition your brand in the market.

Here's an example of a logo redesign by MailChimp.

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On the other hand, a logo refresh is about making subtle updates and modifications to your existing logo while retaining its main elements.

It aims to give your existing logo a more updated and polished look while maintaining brand recognition.

A logo refresh might include adjusting colors, refining typography or making minor icon tweaks. It's a way to evolve your logo while maintaining a strong connection to your brand's history.

For example, the MasterCard logo has remained almost the same since it was first designed.

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The Importance of Logo Redesign

If you are still unsure about redesigning your logo, these five reasons may help you decide:

Adapting to Change

Have you ever noticed that every leading business has changed its logo from time to time? That’s because a logo that was once famous may no longer resonate with today's consumers.

Design trends shift, audience preferences evolve and your brand's values might take new directions. This is where the importance of logo redesign comes into play—it's not just about a new look but a strategy to adapt, evolve and thrive.

Look at this infographic about the history of the Coca-Cola logo to understand it better:

How to Do a Logo Redesign for Your Company (Best Practices, Trends & Templates) (2)

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Capturing Attention

In a world flooded with information and visual stimulants, capturing your audience's attention is crucial. A logo redesign can restore interest by inspiring curiosity and engagement.

A fresh, modern logo stands out, drawing eyes and inviting customers to look closer at what your brand offers.

Staying Relevant

A logo is the visual embodiment of your brand's identity. Outdated logos risk conveying a sense of irrelevance, implying that your brand might not be keeping up with the times.

A logo redesign ensures that your brand remains contemporary. This is a reflection that you're actively staying in tune with the needs and preferences of your audience.

Enhancing Brand Perception

Perception is a big deal in the business world. An outdated logo could make customers assume your products or services are obsolete. A well-executed redesign instantly enhances your brand's perceived value and relevance, boosting your credibility in the eyes of consumers.

Gaining Competitive Edge

Competition is fierce across all industries. A well-thought-out logo redesign can set you apart from your competitors. It communicates that your brand is dynamic, forward-thinking, and willing to invest in its image—qualities that resonate with consumers seeking innovative solutions.

When to do a Logo Redesign?

While it might seem appealing to redesign your logo just for a fresh look or out of boredom, this approach can be counterproductive. It wastes time and money and can harm your brand's recognition, image and customer connections.

You should only consider a logo redesign if there's a real need for it. But how do you know the right time to go for it?

Here are some key signs that it's time for a logo redesign:

1. When You Have Outgrown Your Current Logo

When you started your business, your brand was probably youthful and carefree. As your brand matures, your logo should reflect this growth. Maybe it's time to give your logo that makeover you've been waiting for!

2. When You Have Changed Your Products or Services

If you have expanded or changed what you do, then it's time to update your logo to reflect that change. For example, if you started making cupcakes but now make donuts too, a logo with a hint of donut flair is a great update!

3. When Your Audience Undergoes a Transformation

As your target audience evolves, so should your brand's visual representation. If you've witnessed shifts in the demographics or preferences of your audience, consider a logo redesign that resonates with these changes.

4. When New Competitors Enter the Scene

The arrival of new competitors can alter the competitive landscape. To maintain your brand's relevance and prominence, consider a logo redesign to communicate adaptability and innovation.

5. When Your Brand Identity is in Question

A logo should be instantly recognizable. If your current logo struggles to convey your brand's identity at a glance, a redesign can simplify and refine its elements, enhancing its recognizability and recall.

If you are planning a complete rebranding, here’s a video to help you decide when it’s time.

How to Do a Logo Redesign for Your Company (Best Practices, Trends & Templates) (3)

How to Do a Logo Redesign for Your Company (Best Practices, Trends & Templates) (4)

How to Do a Logo Redesign for Your Company (Best Practices, Trends & Templates) (5)How to Do a Logo Redesign for Your Company (Best Practices, Trends & Templates) (6)

5 Logo Design Best Practices

Embarking on a logo redesign can be a significant yet challenging project, so here are five best practices to guide your process.

1. Understand Your Brand Purpose

Before you start redesigning, you must revisit your brand's values and purpose. A logo should stand as an embodiment of your brand identity, its ethos and functionality.

Begin by asking: What does your brand stand for? Who is your target audience? What is your unique selling proposition? Answers to these questions lay the groundwork for your redesign.

2. Keep it Simple and Flexible

Simplicity enables easy recognition, while flexibility ensures your logo looks great on any platform. The best logos are often simple, memorable, and capable of scaling without loss of clarity. Be minimal with colors and shapes, and ensure it works well in various sizes and contexts—from social media avatars to giant billboards.

3. Remember: Evolution, Not Revolution

Logos should evolve rather than undergo a drastic overhaul, which can confuse your audience.

Look at the evolution of logos of brands like Apple, Microsoft and Starbucks. They've adjusted their logos to feel contemporary while maintaining recognizable elements from previous designs.

How to Do a Logo Redesign for Your Company (Best Practices, Trends & Templates) (7)

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4. Test Your Designs

It's crucial to gather feedback on your logo redesign. Present it to various groups, such as your team members, a control group, or even a segment of your customers and solicit feedback. Test its adaptability by using it across different platforms and formats, such as websites, business cards, social media and merchandise.

5. Communicate Changes Clearly

Your logo redesign will not exist in a vacuum. Take your customers on your rebranding journey by communicating the planned changes. Use social media channels, newsletters or press releases to communicate these changes.

Explain why and how the redesign aligns with your future strategy. Transparency in communication helps cultivate customer understanding and acceptance.

Additionally, you can read our guide to 14 logo design principles to understand what turns a good logo into a great one.

10 Logo Templates You Can Start Using Now

To make your logo redesign process easier, we’ve curated 10 logo templates from Visme’s library. Even if you are considering a logo redesign, it’s always better to start with a template.

1. Talkie - Logo Template

This logo is excellent for communication or media businesses. It features a speech bubble and embodies dynamic conversation and exchanges, allowing your brand to stand out. Swap in your colors and name, and you're ready!

Use Visme’s brand design tool to save all your branding assets and apply them automatically to every document you create. All you have to do is input your website address and the tool will pull the assets in seconds.

Read this article about creating a branding kit in Visme or watch the video below to see how it works.

2. Nonprofit Logo Template

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How to Do a Logo Redesign for Your Company (Best Practices, Trends & Templates) (15)

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Emotive yet professional, this template helps nonprofits establish a credible, trustworthy brand image. It's simple to add your cause's symbol and name and share the heart of your organization.

3. Scheduling Software Logo Template

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How to Do a Logo Redesign for Your Company (Best Practices, Trends & Templates) (19)

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This clean-cut, minimalistic logo template is suitable for productivity and task management firms. It suggests functionality and reliability, which is what everyone loves in scheduling software. The logo is easy on the eyes and designed to instantly convey a tech company's message.

4. Elearning Platform Logo Template

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This logo is a smart pick for EdTech companies. It’s easily customizable and embodies learning, progress and digital convenience. Also, the logo perfectly captures the spirit of e-learning platforms.

The playful color scheme of blue, green and yellow creates an exciting and dynamic look. The logo is perfect for companies that want to convey a professional yet fun image.

5. Marketing Agency Logo Template

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How to Do a Logo Redesign for Your Company (Best Practices, Trends & Templates) (27)

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This design fits marketing agencies like a glove! It's modern, colorful and shouts creativity. The multicolored letter mark logo and the business name create a powerful combination.

Tailor it to fit your agency's vibe and make a lasting impression on clients. Use Visme’s AI writer to generate a captivating business tagline for your logo.

The advanced writing tool can also help you with many other writing tasks, such as writing or refining your brand story, developing engaging marketing content, creating impactful mission statements and more. Just prompt the tool what you want to generate and watch the magic happen in seconds.

6. Saas Company Logo Template

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How to Do a Logo Redesign for Your Company (Best Practices, Trends & Templates) (29)

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This template blends technology and sophistication flawlessly. It's flexible and helps SaaS businesses exhibit their cutting-edge nature and focus on delivering superior solutions.

Make it your own by personalizing colors and shapes and amplifying your unique selling proposition.

7. PixelGo - Logo Template

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Best for design or tech-based firms, the PixelGo template is one of our favorites in this list. Its vibrant colors and modern layout give a sense of creativity and professionalism.

The template also perfectly suits businesses that are going through a rebranding. Customize it to your taste and brand away!

8. Food Blog - Logo Template

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How to Do a Logo Redesign for Your Company (Best Practices, Trends & Templates) (39)

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Are you looking for a savory logo for your food blog? Look no further than this energetic logo template that lets you add a pinch of your style and signals exciting culinary experiences!

With a playful illustration, the logo invites readers on a culinary journey, making it easy to customize for any food-focused project.

Use Visme’s AI Image generator to design elements to give your food blog logo a unique look. This amazing tool lets you create a variety of graphic elements, such as icons, doodles, illustrations, abstracts and more.

9. BBQ - Logo Template

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Ideal for BBQ joints or grilled meat restaurants, this template radiates warm, comforting vibes. It's a friendly beckon, enticing BBQ lovers to a sizzling rendezvous.

Design elements like the vector icon and warm colors evoke a sense of warmth and camaraderie. Modify it to match your brand's personality, and it'll be ready.

Visme's AI Image Touch-Up tools allow you to refine and elevate your imagery seamlessly. These tools let you remove image backgrounds, replace objects, unblur and upscale images and more within seconds. This will ensure complete control over the look and feel of every design element in your logo.

10. Music Studio Logo Template

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This logo template hits all the right notes with a stylish musical element, making it perfect for music production and recording studios. Incorporate your studio's name and colors, and you'll have a logo that harmonizes perfectly with your brand.

The Logo Redesign Process

Designing your own logo is cost-effective and gives you complete creative control. With easy-to-use design tools like Visme logo maker, you can tweak it as many times as you want until the final design aligns with your vision.

However, a logo redesign comes with many challenges and even a small mistake in the final design can ruin your branding efforts.

Here are the steps you should follow to ensure a smooth logo redesign:

Step 1: Define the Need for Redesign

First things first, why do you want to redesign your logo? Understanding the need is the golden ticket because it shapes your next steps.

Spend time identifying the need and what you want to achieve with the redesign, ensuring it aligns with your long-term business strategy.

Here are some of the potential reasons to consider a logo redesign:

  • You have a new product or service that requires a different look and feel than your existing brand.
  • You have a new target audience and must reflect this change in your logo.
  • You are rebranding and want the new brand identity to include your logo.
  • Your brand struggles to stand out in the marketplace and needs a fresh look.
  • You want to change your logo because of a merger, acquisition or other business transition.

Here’s an infographic to help you visualize this step and understand it better.

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Step 2: Assess What to Modify and What to Preserve

If you look at the logo redesign examples from famous brands, you'll notice that many of them retained the same elements that made their original logos iconic.

The Nike Swoosh, McDonald's Golden Arches and Apple's Bitten Apple are still there, but they've been modernized to fit a new audience or reflect new values.

If you want to redesign your logo, first consider what aspects of your current logo need to be preserved. Here are some ideas for doing so. You can do one or two of the following:

  • Keep the same color scheme or primary colors.
  • Retain the same font style and size.
  • Preserve any symbols or icons universally recognized as part of your brand identity (such as Coca-Cola's twirly bottle).
  • Maintain elements that reflect your company's values (such as McDonald's golden arches) or your brand personality (such as Apple's bitten apple).

Additionally, you can take a look at this infographic below to understand what goes into a logo and identify the elements you want to keep or modify.

How to Do a Logo Redesign for Your Company (Best Practices, Trends & Templates) (48)

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Step 3: Use a Logo Template

You can start the redesign process from scratch, but using a logo template is a great starting point and makes the process much easier. A logo template includes basic elements such as colors, fonts, and shapes, allowing you to focus on the creative aspect of your new logo design.

Choose a template from the list of 10 templates that we provided, or explore more logo templates from Visme's library. Select a template that reflects your brand's personality and customize it using the easy-to-use editor.

Visme is a go-to tool for professionals across various fields. Here’s what Anne McCarthy, the Senior Director of Learning Experience at EmployBridge, had to say

“It’s easy to create something in Visme quickly that looks like we sent it out to an advertising firm to design.”

“My whole team has been using Visme for several years, but now seeing the kind of work we’re producing, our marketing team wanted to start using Visme.”

Step 4: Customize the Template

Once you've found a logo template, it's time to customize it. This step aims to make the logo reflect your brand and business as much as possible.

To do so, simply add or remove elements from your chosen template, add new ones or change the colors until you're happy with how it looks.

Here's how you can customize your logo template using Visme’s logo maker.

  • Change the colors, select the element and choose from various colors using Visme's color picker.
  • Customize elements, click on each component to see its properties. You can then adjust each element's size, position and transparency level.
  • Add your business name, customize the text, add a font and choose from various styles.
  • Incorporate images or design elements, upload them from your computer or choose one from Visme's stock photo library.

Step 5: Involve your Team in the Process

When your team is involved, you get fresh ideas and perspectives.

For example, you can gather insights into critical aspects of the brand that need emphasis and how the new logo might be perceived by the target audience.

Constructive feedback and brainstorming sessions with your team can lead to an even more effective logo redesign.

With Visme, collaborative design becomes a breeze.

You can Invite your team members via email or by sharing an invite link. Team members can add, reply to and resolve comments, annotate different design elements and even make changes to the logo that'll appear live.

Read this article about how to do collaborative design right, or watch this video below to learn more about it.

Step 6: Create Multiple Versions of Your Logo

Once you have a final draft, it's time to create multiple versions of your logo. This step helps you explore different styles, colors and sizes of your logo to choose the one that best represents your brand.

For example, if you do the logo redesign using one of Visme's templates, you'll get two versions of logo templates: one with a white background and one with a transparent background.

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Here are some ideas to create your logo variations:

  • Change the color of your logo.
  • Try different fonts, font sizes and styles.
  • Add or remove design elements like shapes, graphics and symbols.
  • Make use of gradients, patterns and textures.

Step 7: Test your Redesigned Logo

Finally, once you have a final draft of your logo, it's time to test your redesigned logo to assess its effectiveness and appeal.

Conduct surveys or focus groups with your target audience to gather their opinions on the new design.

Analyzing their impressions, preferences and critiques would give you crucial insights into how your revamped logo resonates with your audience.

Based on the feedback, make any necessary adjustments to finalize your logo and ensure it creates a lasting impact.

4 Brand Logo Redesign Examples

Explore the transformative logo changes of Pepsi, Meta, Burger King, and X (formerly Twitter). Learn how these shifts reflect brand evolution and strategic adaptation.

1. Pepsi

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Over its long history, Pepsi has made many changes to its logo. They announced the brand's new logo and visual identity in March of 2023, marking the first substantial logo change in 14 years.

The new design features a bold typeface, a signature pulse and an updated color palette, including black, highlighting the brand's commitment to Pepsi Zero Sugar.

Notably, the shape of the Pepsi cans has been revamped as part of the brand's new design system. They initiated this redesign to celebrate the brand's 125th anniversary while paying tribute to its classic labeling.

2. Meta

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In one of the most significant logo changes recently, Facebook became Meta in 2021.

The shift, both in name and branding, was done to signify the company's transition from a social media platform to a broader tech company focusing on creating a new virtual space called "Metaverse."

The new Infinity Loop logo speaks to this expansive vision of interconnected experiences. The rebranding has positioned Meta as a trailblazer in the virtual space.

3. Burger King

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In 2021, Burger King rolled out its first comprehensive rebrand in over 20 years. The fast-food giant replaced its flashy 3-D logo with a flatter design that returns to its classic 1969 logo.

The redesigned logo reflects the brand's attachment to its rich heritage and celebrates its flame-broiled hamburgers. It has been widely appreciated for echoing nostalgia while being contemporary and forward-looking.

4. X (formerly Twitter)

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Who doesn't know the bluebird? The Twitter logo is one of the most recognizable in the world. It featured a stylized silhouette of a bird with an open beak positioned within a circle on top of a bright blue background.

However, Twitter transformed its iconic bird logo to 'X' in 2023. This move came after Elon Musk took over the company, marking a new direction for Twitter.

The bold change from the familiar bird to a letter-based design is a significant departure from the past, symbolizing a dramatic pivot for the company. It's seen as a fresh start, embracing change as Twitter gears towards the future.

Measuring the Impact of the Logo Redesign

When tracking the effectiveness of a logo redesign, active measurement is key. You must ensure that your efforts translate into meaningful outcomes by monitoring various aspects.

Here's how to measure and optimize logo redesign impact:

  • Track Brand Awareness: Monitor changes in brand recognition and recall post-redesign. Utilize surveys, before-and-after logo exposure tests and social media mentions to assess shifts in brand awareness.
  • Analyze Customer Perception: Assess changes in how customers perceive the brand's values and identity. Conduct surveys, focus groups or analyze sentiment in customer conversations to understand how the new logo resonates with them.
  • Feedback and Reactions: Scrutinize customer feedback and reactions to unveil sentiment transitions. Collect and analyze customer reviews, comments and direct feedback through various channels to gain insights into their reactions.
  • Evaluate Performance Metrics: Analyze relevant metrics such as website traffic and engagement. Compare pre-redesign and post-redesign data to observe changes in user behavior that indicate the logo's impact on audience engagement.

Make Necessary Adjustments

As you gather insights from performance metrics and carefully analyze the outcome of your logo redesign efforts, it's essential to take corrective actions if needed.

This could involve subtle changes, such as tweaking colors or adjusting the typography, or more significant modifications, such as revising certain elements to better align with customer expectations and your brand identity.

Continuously optimizing your logo ensures it stays relevant and impactful and effectively communicates your brand's message to your target audience.

Ready to Redesign Your Logo? Use Visme’s Logo Maker

There you have it. We've discussed the best practices, logo templates, examples of logo redesign from famous brands and most importantly, the process.

Now you know how to redesign your logo without compromising your brand's identity and recognition. The next step is to create your own.

If you are looking for the best tool to help you with your logo redesign, look no further than Visme's Logo Maker. With its user-friendly editor, high-quality design elements and advanced functionalities, anyone can design a logo without any design experience.

In addition to creating a logo, Visme can help design all your marketing materials, including social media graphics, presentations, infographics, sales enablement content and more.

Sign up for a free account in Visme to elevate your brand and create all kinds of visual content for your business needs.

How to Do a Logo Redesign for Your Company (Best Practices, Trends & Templates) (2024)


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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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