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French Camp Today Winter 2013 - [PDF Document] (1)

Volume LVIII No. 4 www.frenchcamp.orgWinter 2013

In this Issue:Quenching the Thirst

Opportunities for Life

Hope for the Nations

12 Days of Christmas


French Camp Academy, a Christ-centered home and school, exists to serve young people and families for the glory of God.

Merry Christmas

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[Psalm 63] [A psalm of David. When he was in the Des-ert of Judah. ] You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water.

For many years—since 1885—God has used French Camp Academy to pour living water into the lives of young people. Christ is the source for quenching the dryness of neglect, loneliness, desperation, and hopelessness.

Presenting God and His love to young people who are hurting is life saving. The Word of God refreshes continually as it is read, memorized, recited, and passed on. It is a never ending stream in the desert. Nothing else can provide the good life.

The problem is, when students come to French Camp Academy they have been told that the good life consists of flashy cars, a river of money, and freedom to be their own boss. As they pursued these things, they were left high and dry, yet had no idea as to how to quench their thirst.

Satisfaction GuaranteedYou’ve heard the term many times. And believe it or not, we want to believe

it. However, no one in this world can guarantee anything 100% and many of our expectations are unfulfilled. Walking that line between hope and disap-pointment has become a way of life for many of our students.

Most of our young people are hungry and thirsty for love, security, accep-tance, and peace. Many have come to FCA from backgrounds where adults were absent, undependable, or unable to provide. Their cups are dry—empty of the life-giving water of love.

Fill ‘er UpHow do we fill those cups of longing? French Camp Academy is all about

that. Each day is filled to the brim as young people and adults engage in healthy relationships. Structure and schedules give assurance and direction.

Homes are places of safety, refuge, and training in righteousness. Academ-ics, based on a Christian worldview, are designed to prepare for the future. The work program is opportunity in action—designed to introduce students to different types of work, teach promptness and responsibility, and build confi-dence.

Activities, such as sports, music, and drama, develop wholesome interests and skills to use throughout life. Structured leisure time also directs students to discipline themselves as they interact with staff and each other. All the time, lives are being filled with the living, purifying water of Christ.

Down the HatchYou can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink. True. However,

the majority of our students are ready for the clean water we offer instead of the polluted water of the past. We see healing take place as they eagerly empty cup after cup. Whether in class, a Bible study, worship service or just hanging out, we are passing out glass after glass of sustaining, life-giving water.

Another One Bites the DustWashing away a dry, dusty past takes time. The grit and grime is hard to

cleanse away and usually takes multiple washings. But once a young man or woman gets a glimpse of the possibilities God presents, they are eager to spend time and effort to clear their paths. FCA is one fine place for this to happen.

By Sylvia Dickson

(continued on page 4)

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French Camp TODAY French Camp TODAY (USPS 210-100) is pub-lished quarterly in March, June, September and December each year by French Camp Academy, a non-profi t, tax-exempt organization. Periodical postage paid at Hattiesburg, MS. POSTMAS-TER: Send address changes to French Camp TO-DAY, One Fine Place, French Camp, MS 39745-9703.

There is no subscription charge for French Camp TODAY; it is fi nanced by voluntary contributions from friends of the Academy and is printed by Signature Graphics, Hattiesburg, MS. Graphics/photographs/text by Sylvia Dickson, Hannah O’Brien, and other FCA staff and students.The mailing list of French Camp TODAY is confi dential and is not shared with other organizations.

To receive French Camp TODAY, send names and complete addresses. To change or correct your address or to be removed from the mailing list, tear off the mailing label (needed because of code numbers) and return it with the correct address. You may use the enclosed envelope ORcall 1-800-565-7132.

If you are receiving more than one copy of French Camp TODAY, please return all mailing labels and indicate which one is the correct address.

Reporting in French Camp TODAY is intended to inform readers of the life and work of French Camp Academy, a Christ-centered home and school serving young people and their families for the glory of God. French Camp Academy is accredited by the State Department of Education, Jackson, MS.

We desire to hear from you. Please direct correspondence to Lance Ragsdale, Director of Development.

French Camp AcademyOne Fine PlaceFrench Camp, MS 39745-9703662-547-6482 or

BOARD OF TRUSTEESJohn H. (Bo) Bowen III ............................JacksonThomas H. Bowen, Jr. ..............................JacksonH. Donald Brock .................................GreenwoodDave Fair ...................................................OxfordGlenn Galey ........................................HattiesburgEd Gove, Jr ........................................BrookhavenToxey Hall III, Chairman ..........................CantonG. Carey Hauenstein ................................... LaurelCarson Hughes, Vice Chairman ...............JacksonScott Kiewit ................................................ LaurelLee Lampton .............................................JacksonJohn Lynch ........................................BrookhavenTommy Peaster, Vice Chairman ................... FloraHugh Potts, Jr. .....................................KosciuskoAndy Wells .............................................Gulfport

The President’s Perspective:

Mission Statement

French Camp Academy, a Christ-centered home and school, exists to serve young

people and families for the glory of God.O n e F i n e P l a c e


The Worthless Treasure

In conversation a few months back, a friend reminded me of a great truth. He said, Remember that value is only found once the gift is applied. Unless the gift is used it remains worthless. It took me a while to fully understand what he meant by that statement.

It is true, and the more I have thought about it, this principle applies to many things in life. Think with me for a moment. The fact is, I can have a good size bank account, but the funds in that account have no value in and of themselves.

You may say, Well, that is not true. However, when you think about it, the only thing those dollars can bring to the table is what you can purchase with those dollars. Those dollars must be spent on something or someone before any true value can be realized.

The same principle holds true for our talents, time, and spiritual gifts. We may possess wonderful skills and great talents, but if we keep those things to ourselves what good are they? What value are they to us or to others who might benefit from them?

The Bible tells us of a man who had it all. Solomon was King. He was the wisest and richest the world had known, yet all these things did not satisfy. In fact, he repeatedly tells the readers of Ecclesiastes that life is meaningless. Solomon’s true problem was he had lost his first love, the Lord himself. The things Solomon owned actually owned him. He had it all and used it all for himself. Because of this, his description of himself is very sad; he says all is meaningless.

We must remember there is a difference between owning our gifts and using our gifts. It is in the using of our gifts that we bring, create, or express value.

What possessions do you have that are sitting idle? What gifts do you have that need some exercise?

Is there someone in your life that could use a kind word today? Maybe we have a story to tell about our life and what God has done that would be of great encouragement to another. Or maybe we need to extend grace and forgiveness to someone who has wronged us. Try is freeing!

What about the gift of time (ministry of presence) with a friend, shut in, or a child? Do you possess wealth of family, friendship, and resources? Whose glory are those being used for? What about the greatest gift, the gift of forgiveness, restoration, and oneness with the Lord Jesus? If you have those gifts, have you shared them lately?

As we enter the season of gift giving, let us all reflect on what the Lord has given to us. God is so full of love, grace, and mercy. He is willing and able. He completes what he starts. He upholds not only His side of the agreement; he holds up our side too! He knows full well our need of His power in our lives. He freely gives us all things according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.

All of us at French Camp Academy wish you and yours a very blessed Christ-mas. Thank you for your continued prayers and support of this work. If you have a little extra under the tree this year, please remember our young ones here at One Fine Place. It could bring eternal value into a young heart that needs the greatest gift of all.

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Tis the Season to Give Gifts of Appreciated Assets

Each day we must approach our investments with wis-dom and courage as those who are entrusted to advance God’s kingdom and glory. We are to focus on eternal trea-sures that last and multiply. There are many creative ways to help the young people at French Camp Academy. Giving stocks, bonds, and other securities are very popular among those who support French Camp and its work with children and teenagers. If you are considering a donation of $1,000 or more, there are many tax advantages to giving securities.

AdvantagesAmong the many potential tax advantages you are entitled to is a federal

income tax charitable deduction when you file an itemized return. Many state income-tax laws also allow this type of deduction. When the donated items have been held for 12 months or longer, you may claim a deduction for their full fair-market value, and after appreciated securities are donated, you avoid paying tax on the capital gain.Note: Always discuss donations with your tax con-sultant to maximize your benefits.

Deductibility LimitsA gift of long-term appreciated securities may be claimed as an income tax

charitable deduction in the year of the gift up to a limit of 30 percent of your adjusted gross income. Any excess deduction not claimed may be carried for-ward for an additional five years. If the donated securities have been held for less than 12 months, only your cost basis is deductible.

Contact Lance Ragsdale, Vice President of Develop-ment, at 662-547-6482 if you have any questions or to let us know your intent. Lance can provide the necessary in-formation for your broker to use to transfer assets to French Camp Academy. Please prayer-fully partner with us this year to focus your investments into eternal treasures that last and multiply. u

GolfClassicMarch 31, 2014The Country Club of Jackson

Save the Date!

(Quenching the Thirst continued)

A Clear ViewKeep this FCA student and others in mind as you pray for French Camp


French Camp is a good place for me. I’m 12 years old and I’ve been here for about a year. Before I came here I lived with my grandmother for 3 years because my mom was in jail. Then I moved back with mom along with 2 little brothers.

I pretty much had to take care of them—be the mom. That was hard. Sometimes we would come home from school and no one would be there and the door would be locked. I would go to the tool shed and get a screwdriver or something and pry to lock open.

At FCA I have people who take care of me, and I can be a kid. I get lots of opportunities to know God better, and He is awesome. I’ve made friends with some good people, too. I’m glad I have a place like French Camp to live.

Streams of Living WaterAt French Camp Academy, young

people are surrounded by godly men and women who never stop sharing God’s cleansing. When lives begin to sparkle and a reflection of Christ is seen in a student’s eyes, FCA doesn’t just stop and cheer, we keep on working as we cheer.

Our goal is to see streams of living water flowing from each life—water that will nourish our young men and women and overflow into lives around them. It is quite a privilege to be part of God’s work in transforming dry deserts into flourish-ing fields. u

Your yearning for God must supersede all other desires. It must be like a gnawing hunger and a burning thirst. Billy Graham

For more information, contact Jamie at 662-547-6482 or jwsenyard

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�iving �ater: Hope for the NationsBy Mary Nell Coblentz and Sylvia Dickson

Go into all the world and preach the gospel…(Matthew 28:19)

As part of the ministry of French Camp Academy, each year students and staff join with the community for the French Camp Presbyterian Church Missions Conference. This year’s theme was Jesus: Hope for the Nationsand featured local, regional, and foreign missions.

Featured speakers were as follows:

• Rev. Ken Lotze, former missionary to Nigeria and Paki-stan and currently working with ARP Connect’s outreach to Muslims

• Tim & Pamela Bolding, Joy Cowley and Ashley Gab-bard of the Neighborhood Christian Center in Decatur, AL (NCC)

• Rev. Roger Griffith of Broken Wings Ministry in Ackerman, MS• Pam Simpson, Sister Ailey and Kay Blake of the Christian Women’s

Job Corps, a ministry of Broken Wings

Unhidden AgendaSaturday evening, October 26th, stu-

dents were treated to special dinners with mission emphasis on the Neighborhood Christian Center, followed by the movie

Unconditional. The Sunday worship time began with a processional of flags of the 40 countries and states that have some connection to FCA and FCPC. Rev. Ken Lotze preached onUnhiding Hope,reminding us that real hope is rooted in Christ.

Sunday evening featured an International Covered Dish supper.Ken spoke about growing up as a mish kid and serving in Pakistan as a missionary with his wife and children. Rev. Roger Griffith gave an overview of Broken Wings Ministry.

The Christian Women’s Job Corps, a hands-on ministry that bringshope to women in our county through Bible study, mentoring, life skill training, and job readiness preparation, was the focus of a ladies’ luncheon on Monday.

The conference ended Monday evening with a video presentation of minis-tries supported by FCPC. Ken Lotze closed out the conference with his mes-sage, Unhiding the Nations, in which he shared a view of the nations as people and language groups as opposed to countries drawn on a map.

Many Missions FCA is purposeful in involving students in missions. Community outreach

includes a nursing home ministry, service projects for the elderly, teaching in VBS, and peer mentoring. Students and staff travel to the Neighborhood Christian Center in Decatur, AL, to help in construction and prison ministry. Internationally, mission teams host Vacation Bible Schools and help with other projects in Mexico, Wales, and Austria.

Each November a mission team goes to Beautiful Feet Ministries in Ft. Worth, TX to work with the homeless and present their testimonies of God’s grace. Students and staff also join together filling shoeboxes with God’s love and small gifts for Samaritan’s Purse Christmas Child effort.

Many HandsMany FCPC members and FCA staff and students worked together to make

the conference a success. The FCA mission trips are coordinated by a Missions Committee composed of staff members.

Teaching our students to serve others to the glory of God is part of the FCA mission. Our vision is to see the Word of God planted, watered, and bearing fruit not only on the FCA campus, but to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). u

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July ARIZONA FIREMEN Mr. Roy E. Smith, Jr.BAILEY, EULA FAYE, French Camp, MS Mrs. Polly B. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Hal K. JacksonBAKER, BILLY Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bane Palmer Machine Works, Inc. Mrs. Mary WestBALDWIN, WADE Mr. and Mrs. Bennie NuttBARBOUR, JOHN (MCBEE) Mr. and Mrs. James M. AlfordBARTLETT, NOLA JEAN Mr. and Mrs. Harrell Lee JenkinsBARTON, SARAH (SALLY) Mr. and Mrs. William McElroy, Jr.BECKHAM, AMELIA Mr. and Mrs. Warren SatterfieldBENNETT, MRS., Vicksburg, MS Mr. and Mrs. Bennie NuttBIGGERS, ALLEN Mrs. Sam BiggersBOSTANY, JOE Mr. and Mrs. Harrell Lee JenkinsBOSTANY, PHILIP L. Mr. and Mrs. Harrell Lee JenkinsBOWEN, MARY LEE Mr. and Mrs. J. Wayne Barker

Dr. and Mrs. Nelson Lamkin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Morris Mr. and Mrs. Wirt A. Yerger, Jr. Ms. Becki Abercrombie Mr. and Mrs. Charles PenningtonBOYD, MRS. CAROL Mr. and Mrs. David B. WidemanBRANTLEY, MARGERY AND BUBBA Mr. and Mrs. Harrell Lee JenkinsBRIGHT, ROBERT AND EDDIE Mr. and Mrs. C. W. BrightBROOME, III, JOHN C. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. NicholsBUTLER, JAMES N. Dr. and Mrs. B. J. Chain, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn E. NorwoodCADE, BETH, Kosciusko, MS Mr. and Mrs. Lewis S. FreedmanCALHOUN, JR., WILLIAM FELIX, Natchez, MS Mr. and Mrs. Gary CarnathanCAMERON, MRS. ELMA MCWILLIAMS, Point Clear, AL Mr. and Mrs. T. Roscoe Hearon, Jr.CARSON, THOMAS GORDON, Kosciusko, MS Mr. Thomas Scott CarsonCECIL, JANE VIEH Mrs. Chloe F. GanierCOCHRAN, ROY, Kosciusko, MS Mr. and Mrs. Sidney BishopCOGGINS, WILLIAM, Houston, MS Mrs. Kathryn J. AbramsCOLEMAN, KEVIN JAMES Dr. and Mrs. B. J. Chain, Jr.

COLGATE, MR. LOYD Mr. and Mrs. Harrell Lee JenkinsCOOK, PATRICIA ANN, Corpus Christi, TX Mr. and Mrs. Kelly LyonsCOPELAND, SKIP Mrs. Elizabeth Wise CopelandCORRIGAN, DORTHEA Mr. and Mrs. Eldon K. MoenCULLEY, ANNA RUTH Mrs. Ann Angle Mrs. Marilyn JohnsonDALTON, ROBERT Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. KempDAY, SARAH Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. KempDONQIEUX, COL. PAUL, Jackson, MS Mr. Robert T. SmallwoodDORSETT, ANN Ms. Virginia VowellDUGAN, BOB AND JOHN MARCUS Mr. and Mrs. Robert DuganDUKE, MR. AND MRS. C. B., Starkville, MS Mr. and Mrs. John E. FondrenDUNN, JEANETTE Ms. Doris T. EllisonEDGAR, ALLAN, Jackson, MS Ms. Jean T. Brewer Mr. and Mrs. David T. Hagerman Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Rose Ms. M. DeSha White Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Marchetti Mrs. Dorothy Hubbard

EVERETT, JESSIE, Decatur, MS Dr. and Mrs. Dan Hank Singley, Jr.FERLAND, BONNIE GOSHORN Ms. Effie G. BrysonFIELD, MRS. MARY, Grenada, MS Mr. and Mrs. T. Roscoe Hearon, Jr.FILGO, JOHN A., Guntown, MS Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Weil, Jr.FISH, BETH Ms. Barbara K. HammondFLAGG, DR. G. B., Gulfport, MS Mr. W. Parham Bridges, Jr.GARVIN, VELMA, Booneville, MS Dr. and Mrs. Jeff JohnsonGEORGE, EATHEL Mr. and Mrs. Thomas PhilipGIBSON, JAMES GLOVER, Madison, MS Mr. and Mrs. John M. Ford, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stuart Roberson, Jr. Deerfield Bridge Club Mr. and Mrs. Leo MerchantGILLILAND, AGNES Mr. and Mrs. Bennie NuttGILLILAND, DR. DAVE, Tupelo, MS Mr. and Mrs. Sidney BishopGORDON, MR. RONNIE, Graniteville, SC Max L. WaldropGREEN, EMOGENE Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. KempGREEN BURNS, BARBARA, Clinton, MS Mrs. Polly B. Allen

GRIFFIN, DR. BROOKS Mrs. Cheryl Quint Carver Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Henley Mr. and Mrs. John R. Pieklik Ms. Bettye H. Quinn Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Smith Mrs. Joyce Williford Mr. Mike Daniels Mrs. Brenda Davis Mrs. Beth McCullen Mrs. Rose Nicholson Mrs. Betty M. Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Russ, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. G. Boyd Shaw Mr. Harold P. Hammett, Jr.GRIFFIN, WILLIAM C. Mrs. Billy B. SealeGULLY, JOHN HENRY Mr. and Mrs. David R. BrownHALL, DON Mrs. Sarah NaugherHALTOM, JEAN, Jackson, MS Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. MarchettiHAMMOND, CAROLYN MILAM Mr. and Mrs. William Mims GraeberHANNA, FRED, Ridgeland, MS Ms. M. DeSha WhiteHAWKINS, LEITH Mr. and Mrs. Jim McGarrHAYS, LILLIAN GAYDEN Mr. William C. Brunson

MeMorial GiftsWe strive to answer memorials and notify relatives as quickly and accurately as possible after they are received. When you send in a memorial, please include

the name of the deceased, the complete address of the person you wish notified and your complete address. Important: IF YOU DO NOT INCLUDE A NAME and ADDRESS OF A RELATIVE OR FRIEND OF THE DECEASED, WE WILL BE UNABLE TO NOTIFY ANYONE OF YOUR GIFT. Follow the same procedure for honor gifts. (A blank form and envelope appear in this issue.)

Honor gifts show appreciation to a living person –such as teachers, pastors, parents, etc., while helping students at FCA. To make an Honor Gift, you may use the form/envelope provided, designating the type of gift you are making. The honoree will be notified of your thoughtfulness. Amounts of gifts are never divulged.

Honor Gifts

July ARIZONA FIREMAN Mr. Roy E. Smith, Jr.ANBARI, DR. MAAN Mr. and Mrs. David B. WidemanDAVIS, MRS. WALTER Mrs. Dorothy Davis MileyFRENCH, EVELYN, Rock Hill, SC Mrs. Athena B. DaviesLACEY, DUDLEY Mrs. Kimberly Gott JudinMANGUM, JR., J. W., Hattiesburg, MS Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. ArmstrongSCHROLL, MR. AND MRS. MARTIN Mrs. Dorothy Davis MileySHARP, ROSIE, Hamilton, MS Mrs. Wanda Sharp

AugustFLYNT, WALKER, Germantown, TN Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. FlyntGIANACAKES, NANCY, Clearwater, FL Mrs. Athena B. DaviesJAYROE, MS. LEE AUDIS, Louisville, MS Mrs. Margaret QuinnQUINN, MISS TOWNES, Austin, TX Mr. and Mrs. Frank Quinn, Jr.QUINN, MR. AND MRS. RAY, Austin, TX Mr. and Mrs. Frank Quinn, Jr.SEARCY, GEORGE, Fairhope, AL Mr. and Mrs. John W. Stitt, IISHARP, WANDA, Kingsville, MO Mr. and Mrs. Leon SharpSTAIRES, EARL AND GENEVA, Madison, MS Mr. and Mrs. Dwight BrockSTUDEBAKER, MR. AND MRS. JERRY, Dayton, OH Mrs. Virginia Frazier

TAVARES, SABINE, Winston Salem, NC The Kingsley’sUECKER, CALEB JOSH, Indian Trail, NC Dr. and Mrs. Milt UeckerWINEMILLER, AUSTIN Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. ChapmanWITTJEN, MR. JACK, Holly Springs, MS Mr. and Mrs. Frank Quinn, Jr.

SeptemberALFORD, DR. TIMOTHY, Kosciusko, MS Mr. and Mrs. Sidney BishopARNOLD, JOE P., Truth or Consequence, NM Mr. and Mrs. James B. Arnold, Jr.BATES, LINDA, Natchez, MS Rev. J. Torrey CurtisBROOMFIELD, LYNN, Jackson, MS Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Currie, Jr.CARROLL, REV. CHARLES, Houston, MS Dr. and Mrs. H. Read Jones

CARSON, JO ANN, Ringgold, LA Mr. Thomas Scott CarsonDITTMER, RAMONA, Boonville, IN Mrs. Polly B. AllenEAVES, MR. AND MRS. JOHN, Canton, MS Mrs. Margaret QuinnEDDLEMAN, VIRGINIA, Monroe, LA Ms. Ann B. WiltshireFULLER, LEE Mr. Jeff McAfeeJACKSON, MR. AND MRS. TREY, Alabaster, AL Mrs. Phyllis LyonsJOHN HAWKINS, MR. AND MRS. Mrs. Phyllis LyonsMCWHORTER, ANN AND JOHN, Starkville, MS Capt. John R. Crumpton, Jr.NEEB, BILL, Crossville, TN Dr. and Mrs. Rudolph CampbellNIX, LUANNE, Double Springs, AL Mr. Joey Clingan

NUTT, BENNIE, Flora, MS Rev. and Mrs. Billy W. StanfordPURVIS, GEORGE AND BETTY, West Monroe, LA Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas D. HouseROBINSON, ELSIE, Florence, MS Mr. and Mrs. Jean T. LeeRUMMEL, ELINOR, Brandon, MS Mr. and Mrs. Richard RummelRUNYON, MRS. LEONA, Yates City, IL Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas D. HouseSOLIMINE, RACHEL Mr. Michael SolimineSTITT, BILL AND HELEN, Montrose, AL Mr. and Mrs. Ronald NealTAYLOR, LOIS Ms. Dorothy ChisholmWALL, SARAH Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Wall

Board Member: Carson HughesCarson McClain Hughes of Brandon, MS has served on

the Board of Trustees for French Camp Academy since De-cember 4, 1990. He is Vice Chairman of the Executive Com-mittee (since 4/94), co-chairman of the Student Life Com-mittee, and on the Audit & Investment Committee.

In 1971, he received his Juris Doctor from the University of Mississippi. He is a former partner of Overstreet & Kuyk-endall, attorneys of Jackson, and currently serves as Chief Ex-ecutive Officer for Telapex, Inc. in Jackson, MS.

Hughes and his wife, Kay are members of Covenant Pres-byterian Church in Jackson where he has served as Sunday

School Superintendent, Chairman of Board of Deacons, se-nior high Sunday school teacher, delegate to Presbytery, a youth group worker, and youth basketball team coach. He has one son, Lane, who is a teacher.

Also, as an active member of his community, he works with Jackson Youth for Christ, Capital City Kiwanis, Lamar Order, Sigma Nu House Corp. Board, and the Hinds County, Madi-son County, and Mississippi State Bar.

French Camp Academy is blessed to have on its Board of Trustees someone as dedicated to youth and to Christ as Car-son Hughes. u

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The 2013 French Camp Homecoming and Senior Recognition Night were held on November 2 at the Panther football field.

2013 FCA Homecoming Court from left to right: Katie Castle, 7th Grade Maid; Karley Bowman, Freshman Maid; Anna Box, Junior Maid; Kassie Oswalt, Senior Maid; Chelsea McDaniel, Senior Maid; Anne Claire McKnight, Homecoming Queen; Ladye Faulk, Junior Maid; Micah Gray, Sophom*ore Maid; and Brookelyn Box, 8th Grade Maid

Football team members and cheerleaders that are part of the 2014 graduating class were hon-ored following the Homecoming ceremony.

Pictured from left to right: Anna Sheffield, Abigail Holman, Brooke Meer, Catherine Bell, Allyse Rogers, Alexis Davis, and Coach Hugh Long

French Camp Academy boys Cross Country Team finished their running sea-son Saturday at the State Championship meet in Jackson, MS at Choctaw Trails. The boys’ team was ranked second most of the season in the 1A Division. Due to injuries and illness the team was depleted to four runners (it takes 5 runners to compete as a team). Therefore FCA did not qualify to compete as a team. The following boys ran in individual races and finished in the top 25 out of 96 runners competing in the 1A Division: Kazeto Lakok, B.J. Hisen, and Kylan Hazelgrove.

FCA Cross Country

FCA girls competing in their first season won the MHSAA District 3, Class 1A, Region 2 championship held at Greenville St. Joe, October 30th. On Saturday, they competed in the 1A State Championship in Jackson, MS at Choctaw Trails. They placed fifth out of thirteen teams composed of 89 runners.

Coach Hugh Long stated that he was well pleased with the boys and girls

performance for the 2013 Cross Country season. uPictured from left to right: Kazeto Lakok, Nathan Burchfield, Kylan Hazelgrove, Maher Angelo, B.J. Hisen, and Nathaniel Greve

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Oh, What Fun It Is To Be at French Camp Academy!Students and staff at FCA find good things to enjoy. Clap your hands, all you nations; shout to God with cries of joy.

How awesome is the LORD Most High, the great King over all the earth! (Psalm 47:1-2).

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Meet Me at the Pole 2013Student Led Prayer and Worship

Operation Christmas Child

Mission MississippiMission Mississippi: Carrying the Cross to show that the Gospel of

Jesus Christ brings people of all races together. A few of our students were able to carry the cross to Ackerman, MS on foot, about 20 miles away!

The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the cap-tives, and release from darkness for the prisoners (Isaiah 61:1).

Ft. WorthMission Trip

But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord” (Luke 2:10-11).

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Scan here to shop!

SHOSHOSHOSHOSHOSHOPPPPPP anywheanywheanywheanywheanywheanywhere...anytime!re...anytime!re...anytime!re...anytime!re...anytime!re...anytime!

Steak NightSteak Night

2nd Friday of each month beginning at

5:00 PM


Midsouth Star Gaze & Astronomy Conference March 26-29, 2014 Held under one of the darkest skies in the south-eastern United States, this event attracts amateur and professional astronomers from all over the United States. Fascinating presentations by astron-omers such as galaxy researcher, Dr. William Keel (University of Alabama), and comet researcher, Dr. Donna Pierce (Mississippi State University), highlight the sky watching and story sharing.

Rainwater Observatory is located just off the beautiful Natchez Trace Park-way on the outskirts of French Camp, Mississippi. Available accommodations include a 14 bed, air conditioned bunk house, and a large camping area with a pavilion, picnic tables, men’s and women’s showers and bathrooms, electri-cal outlets on the hill, grill, and two campfi re pit areas with surround seating. Contact Guest Services at French Camp Academy for other lodging including the Bed and Breakfast Inn, and motel style rooms at Hall Lodge and the Memphis Guest House: (662) 547-6835

Find us on Facebook atCouncil House Café

Nestled on 300 wooded acres beside peaceful Lake Ann is a rustic retreat center, offering the perfect es-cape from the rush of life and an op-portunity to make lasting memories. Rising Son Retreat Center provides a high-quality retreat experience for churches, civic organizations, youth groups, schools, and businesses look-ing for a place to have a variety of different events, including banquets, family reunions, church gatherings, vacations and meetings. Contact French Camp Academy Guest Services at (662) 547-6835 or view our facilities at\retreatcenter.

Book your room for a vacation stay at the French Camp Bed & Breakfast. Go to and click the Bed & Breakfast button or call Guest Services at 662-547-6835.

FM 108 DayHow do we measure success at FM 108 Day?

By the smiling faces of people enjoying fine Southern Gospel music and their continuing support of WFCA. The FM 108 Club hosted another great FM 108 Day on October 26, 2013.

Fourteen music groups and soloists sang their hearts out. Around 17 vendors pre-sented a variety of arts and crafts for sale. The silent auction featured around 60 items for bidding (and winning). WFCA, with the help of the FCA dining hall staff, spread a bountiful breakfast and lunch for our guests.

Chuck Carroll, WFCA Station Manager, said, We raised $56,000.00 towards the goal for 2014 of $108,000.00. We are excited to be over half way there, but we still need help from our listeners.

You can join the FM 108 Club by sending your dona-tion to WFCA FM 108, 40 Mecklin Ave., French Camp, MS 39745. For more infor-mation contact Glen Barlow at [emailprotected] or call (662) 547-6414.

Splash into Summer Funfor Your Child in 2014Register on-line for Camp.

French Camp Today Winter 2013 - [PDF Document] (11) French Camp TODAY • winTer 2013 • 11

HAYWARD, JAMES CLARK, Winona, MS Mrs. Phyllis Townsen Ward Mrs. Eleanor S. Forsythe Mr. and Mrs. Mike Holland Mr. and Mrs. James M. AlfordHEMMING, JEAN STRUBEL Mr. and Mrs. Harrell Lee JenkinsHENDRIX, LONA, Greenville, MS Mr. and Mrs. J. Terry GibbsHESTER, EDWARD Mr. and Mrs. Warren SatterfieldHICKMAN, WILL A. Mrs. Dewey C. HickmanHIGGINBOTHAM, RUTH, Houston, MS Mr. and Mrs. Lanny M. WilsonHINES, JEAN LANDING, Wirtz, VA Mr. Roy E. Smith, Jr.HOLDER, MRS. JUANITA, Shelby, MS Mr. W. A. MobleyHUSSEY, BEVERLY Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. KempIRWIN, JOY REEVE Mr. and Mrs. Harrell Lee JenkinsJOHNSON, MR. JACK E. The Graeber FamilyJONES, ANN JETER The Graeber FamilyJONES, HELEN, Raymond, MS Mr. and Mrs. W. Talmadge McNairKENDLEY, GEORGE Mr. and Mrs. Harrell Lee JenkinsKING, C. B. (RED) Mrs. Annie Melton HandLAMBERT, MARTHA Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. KempLAWHON, REV. AND MRS. HARRY Mr. and Mrs. Harrell Lee JenkinsLEWIS, JIMMY Mrs. Tommie BarnhartLINK, MARTIN TURNER, Bentonia, MS Mrs. Nora Deen Link MaloyLOFTON, J. MACK Mrs. Alla Gene FinlayLONG, PASTOR JIM, Slidell, LA Mrs. Mary T. LongLOTTERHOS, MARY EVELYN, Jackson, MS Ms. Jean T. Brewer Mrs. Peggy B. CannadaLOVE, LOUISE, Yazoo City, MS Mr. Robert Peter Hairston Mr. and Mrs. Norman Albert Mott, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. D. Pat McGowan Ms. Frances BarbourLUBY, CAROLYN Mr. and Mrs. Michael Joseph QuayleLUDLOW, ED, Ripley, MS Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. HollandLUX, MRS. DOROTHY, Memphis, TN Mr. and Mrs. David A. CraigLYON, DONNIS C. Mr. and Mrs. Jerald Davis BallMALLARD, JIM Mr. and Mrs. Warren SatterfieldMARTIN, DEAN, Water Valley, MS Guardian Termite and Pest Control, Inc.MAUDE RIDGWAY, MRS. SARA, Jackson, MS Mrs. Connie S. WadsworthMAYE, MAE ELEANOR Mrs. Betty BaileyMCGLOTHIN, JOYCE, French Camp, MS Napa Auto Parts of WinonaMEON, JOHN EDMUND Mr. and Mrs. Harrell Lee JenkinsMIDDLETON, BG (RET) CHARLES E. Dr. and Mrs. B. J. Chain, Jr. Mrs. Martha W. HogueMOFFETT, BILLY JOE, Ripley, MS Mr. and Mrs. Glenn E. NorwoodMOONEY, JERRY Mr. W. C. ShoemakerMORRIS, ADELIA FAY Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. KempMORROW, RACHEL Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. KempMOSCO, JANE Bayou Pipeline, Inc.NELSON, MARY JANE, Madison, MS Miss Helen Elizabeth CookNEWSOME, MRS. EARLENE Mr. and Mrs. Harrell Lee JenkinsNICHOLAS, GEORGE (NICK), Hattiesburg, MS Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. HollandO’BRIEN, MRS. BETTYE Mrs. Ruth SharpOTWELL, LEJEUNE, Bremen, GA Henderson Auto PartsPARKER, HENRY LEE Mr. and Mrs. Arthur DavisPARKER, MARTHA ANNE

Mr. and Mrs. David RectorPATTON, JOE DAN, Oxford, MS Mrs. Frances JonesPEARSON, MAUDIE LEA HODGES, Kosciusko, MS Mr. and Mrs. Sidney BishopPETERSON, MR. PETE The Graeber FamilyPOTTS, JEANNIE (DOODLE) Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. JamesPOWELL, MARION GRAFTON Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Ducklo, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Gray The Graeber Family Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Gray, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Andrew Hyde, III Mr. and Mrs. Jessie L. Medlin Mr. and Mrs. Tom Moss Ms. Suzanne O. Plyler Ms. Jean H. Saxon Mrs. Judy Weber Mr. Wiliam W. BallardPRYOR, KATIE (KK) Ms. Jan StokesRATLIFF, STANLEY PAUL, Hot Springs Village, AR Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. FerrissRECORD, EDNA AND BILL Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. RecordREEVES, RICHARD Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. KempROBBINS, DAVID MARK Mr. and Mrs. Harrell Lee JenkinsROBERTS, MR. AND MRS. CONDRED Mr. and Mrs. Harrell Lee JenkinsROCHESTER, MR. AND MRS. Mr. and Mrs. Harrell Lee JenkinsRUFF, GUY AND PUDDIE Mr. and Mrs. Jim B. FlanaganSAIK, JUDY, Madison, MS Mrs. Nell Lawrence Parkerson Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence ClarkSALLIS, HENRY Open Door Sunday School ClassSAVAGE, JOHN W., Oxford, MS Max L. WaldropSAVAGE, MRS. BETTY, Fairhope, AL Max L. WaldropSCHUBERT, BOB Mr. and Mrs. Edwin R. JacksonSHOEMAKER, NELL Mr. W. C. ShoemakerSHUMAKER, MR. ROBERT, Hillsboro, MS Mr. W. Hamilton StevensSIMMS, HAZEL Mr. and Mrs. John T. BartonSMITH, CAROLYN LANDING, Virginia Beach, VA Mr. Roy E. Smith, Jr.SMITH, FLYNT LAMAR, Meridian, MS Mr. and Mrs. Denton Graham BraswellSMITH, MAURINE, Mathiston, MS Mr. Samuel T. Polk, IIISMITH, REV. LOUIS F., Jackson, MS Mr. and Mrs. Earl WalkerSOWELL, WAYMAN, Canton, MS Mrs. Lelia Watford EldridgeSTEBBINS, CAROL, Lake Charles, LA Mrs. Mary StebbinsSTEPHENS, MRS. ESTHER Mr. and Mrs. Jon D. GatlinSTEVENS, JOANNE, Forest, MS Mr. W. Hamilton StevensSTEVENS, PARK Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. KempSTEWART, MARLY DALE Bayou Pipeline, Inc.SULLIVAN, PINKY LOU JONES Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mangum, Jr.SWITTENBERG, ALICE Mrs. Louise B. CarmanTHOMPSON, MICHAEL J. Mrs. Betty T. ThompsonTHORBURN, BARBARA Mrs. Dorothy HubbardUPTON, FRED Mr. and Mrs. Jerald Davis BallVARNER, MRS. KATIE, Jackson, MS Ms. Jean T. Brewer Mrs. Beth McCullenWARREN, AGNES (SIS) IVEY, Kosciusko, MS Mr. and Mrs. Sidney BishopWATKINS, JAMES DOUG Mrs. Wanda WatkinsWATSON, SHELBY Mr. Henry P. Watson, Jr.WETHINGTON, PATRICK, Saint Louis, MOMr. Thomas Scott CarsonWIGGINS, RUTH BARRETT Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Warthen, IIWILKERSON, JERRY Mr. and Mrs. Wes LancasterWILLIAMS, DICK, Kosciusko, MS

Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Bishop Mr. Thomas Scott CarsonWILLIAMSON, ANN MOTT Mrs. Charles MiddletonWILSON, CECIL Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. KempWOO, KENG LIA Mr. and Mrs. John W. GarrardWOODSON, CHERYL, French Camp, MS Mr. and Mrs. William M. Adams Mrs. Ann Angle Mr. and Mrs. Happy Travis Grice Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Rose Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Williford

AugustADAMS, MRS. DENA LOVE ELLINGTON Mr. and Mrs. Daniel RoseALGER, MR. MIKE Mr. and Mrs. Henry GraeberANDERSON, MRS. LILLIAN Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. McKinleyANDREWS, LOUISE Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. RayANGLE, STUART B. Mrs. Ann AngleBAILESS, OREN, Vicksburg, MS Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. McConnellBARBOUR, MR. MCBEE, Winona, MS Mr. and Mrs. John W. Stitt, IIBARRETT, RACHEL Ms. Doris T. Ellison Dr. and Mrs. John Rhett PresleyBASKIN, KURT, Jackson, MS Mr. and Mrs. Rufus K. GardnerBELKNAP, MR. J. W. Woodland Presbyterian ChurchBLACKBARN, THELMA, Vicksburg, MS Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. McConnellBRELAND, KENNETH, Philadelphia, MS Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie GraeberBRIDGES, MRS. DOT Mrs. Doris H. WebbBURNSIDE, MRS. BECKY, Marietta, GA Mr. and Mrs. David HerringtonCADE, BETH Mr. and Mrs. Lewis S. FreedmanCALDWELL, LINDA Caldwell & SonsCALLAHAN, JAMES Ms. Mary E. GormanCAMERON, ELMA Mrs. Maida Pearson SmithCARSON, BROWNIE, Kosciusko, MS Mrs. Jo Ann CarsonCARSON, THOMAS G., Kosciusko, MS Mrs. Jo Ann CarsonCOGGINS, SADIE AND HUBERT Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. RecordCORRIGAN, MRS. DORTHEA Mrs. Candace M. Cobb Ms. Lena May Matlock Miss Mary Faith Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Daniel RoseCRESPINO, BOBBY Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. SheltonDOWNS, ROBERT Mr. and Mrs. Ken RoggenkampDUCKWORTH, BEN Mr. and Mrs. Wirt A. Yerger, Jr.DUNN, MRS. GRACE, Meridian, MS Mrs. Mary CorkernDUNN, MRS. JEANETTE, Friendsville, TN Mrs. Adelaide Riley FisherEDGAR, ALLEN, Brandon, MS Mr. and Mrs. Michael Joseph Quayle Mr. and Mrs. Jerry LangfordELKIN, BRUDGE Mr. and Mrs. George W. Henson Mr. and Mrs. John Jennings Mrs. Joyce Long Mr. and Mrs. Arthur William May Mr. and Mrs. Micheal G. Rawls Mr. and Mrs. Frank Montgomery Dr. and Mrs. Ancel C. Tipton, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. PerkinsFARRIS, JR., DR. CHARLES Mr. and Mrs. William Mims GraeberFENSTERMACHER, DAVID Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. SheltonFIELD, MARY ELEANOR, Grenada, MS Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Moore, III Mrs. Patricia S. RaulstonGARDNER, MRS. E. E., Winona, MS Mr. and Mrs. Rufus K. GardnerGEIGER, MYRNA JEAN, Jackson, MS Mrs. Martha Godfrey VanceGIBSON, JAMES, Madison, MS Mr. and Mrs. R. E. James

GREEN, MALCOM Mr. and Mrs. David HerringtonGRIFFIN, DR. BROOKS Mr. and Mrs. Lundy GunnGRINER, DANNY Mrs. B. Colleen GrinerGRINER, DWIGHT Mrs. B. Colleen GrinerGWIN, FRANK W. Mrs. Erma Louise Cunningham Mrs. Nell Parker LyonHARRIS, MALCOLM, Charlottesville, VA Mr. Roy E. Smith, Jr.HARVEY, AUDIO, Jackson, MS Mrs. Jo Ann CarsonHOWELL, KENNY, Benton, MS Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie GraeberHUCKABEE, JAMES DAVID, Demopolis, AL Mr. Lee G. FullerHUMPHRIES, MARY, Yazoo City, MS Mr. and Mrs. Owen OliverHUNTLEY, MARY, Louisville, MS Mr. and Mrs. Marion H. GreeneJACKSON, REV. AND MRS. ERSKINE Mrs. Ida Mack Keith LeonardJAMES, NEWTON H., McComb, MS Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Ray Ms. Maxine S. BrockJAMES, NEWTON WARD, Summit, MS Ms. Maxine S. BrockJAMES, WARD Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. RayJASPER, DR. MARTIN T., Mathiston, MS Mrs. Mary A. JasperJONES, DR. MONTFORT, Yazoo City, MS Mrs. Nora Deen Link MaloyKILPATRICK, WILMA RAY Mr. and Mrs. Jerry HooverKIMBROUGH, HORACE Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Munsey, Sr.LAMASTUS, BARBARA, Fairfield Glade, TN Dr. and Mrs. Rudolph CampbellLANEY, DR. CHARLES Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Shelton Mr. and Mrs. Nick ApostleLANGLOIS, ELMO, Baton Rouge, LA Mrs. Emilie F. ThostLAY, MARY (PEGGY) Mr. W. Parham Bridges, Jr.LEA, COLEMAN, Brookhaven, MS Mrs. Mary WestLEONARD, W. C., Kosciusko, MS Mrs. Ida Mack Keith LeonardLISHMAN, MRS. SALLY JO, Cleveland, MS Mr. and Mrs. Billy LathamLITTLEJOHN, JOSHUA Mr. J. Thomas LittlejohnLITTLEJOHN, KENNY Mr. J. Thomas LittlejohnLOTTERHOS, MARY EVELYN Mrs. T. L. WrightLOVE, LOUISE, Yazoo City, MS Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie GraeberMAKAMSON, LAMAR, Greenwood, MS Mr. and Mrs. Joe George Saunders, Jr.MCGLOTHIN, MRS. JOYCE, French Camp, MS Mrs. Polly B. AllenMCLURE, LOTTIE DREXEL Mr. and Mrs. Dick BurneyMEANS, FRANCES (GRAHAM) Mr. and Mrs. Jerry LangfordMIDDLETON, BRIG. GEN CHARLES Mr. and Mrs. Russell E. Hobgood, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Stitt, IIMILNER, JR., MR. E. C. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Mavar, Jr.MITCHELL, MS. TOMMIE JO, Jackson, MS Ms. Doris T. EllisonMONTGOMERY, BETTY MCGOWAN Mr. Marty PenderMOOD, GARY DEAN, Ridgeland, MS Mrs. Barbara T. BellMORRIS, BETTY Mrs. Jane Franklin TysonMORROW, NICHOLAS, Philadelphia, MS Mr. and Mrs. John F. LewisMUNCIE, GEORGE Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Bowden, Jr. Mrs. Martha Godfrey VanceNORMAN, DAYNA SHAE, Big Creek, MS Mr. and Mrs. Charles CumberlandNOWELL, PEGGY, Starkville, MS Mr. and Mrs. Bert J. NailPARKERSON, RAYMOND Mr. and Mrs. W. M. BlainePETTIT, AYLA, Kosciusko, MS Mr. and Mrs. David ThorntonPHILLIPS, MRS. MAXINE STAPLETON Mr. and Mrs. Chester R. Wells

PITTS, HENRY (BUD), Memphis, TN Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Shelton Mr. and Mrs. James H. Delgadillo Mr. and Mrs. Henry GraeberPOOL, MRS. GRACE, Greenville, MS Mr. and Mrs. Marvin BurchfieldPOTTS, DOODLE, Oxford, MS Mrs. Eleanor S. ForsythePOWELL, MRS. MARION GRAFTON Mr. and Mrs. Henry Graeber Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Peaster Dr. and Mrs. A. David Powell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Don Rogers Mr. and Mrs. R. Wilson Sneed, Jr.PROSSER, TILGHMAN, Madison, MS Mrs. Genell C. McAllisterPUTMAN, PEGGY, Jackson, MS Mr. and Mrs. Scott BoydRAMSEY, MR. AND MRS. MARSHALL, Greenwood, MS Mr. and Mrs. Rufus K. GardnerRAPHAEL, COACH BILL, Jackson, MS Coach Harper DavisRECORD, EDNA AND BILL Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. RecordRIDGEWAY, MRS., Jackson, MS Mr. and Mrs. James A. TurnerRISER, HENRY, Clinton, MS Mr. and Mrs. W. Talmadge McNairRODGERS, MRS. KATIE M., Oxford, MS Max L. WaldropSAHLER, MR. GREG, Flora, MS Mr. and Mrs. William Jasper JonesSAIK, JUDY PEE, French Camp, MS Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Fleming Mrs. Martha Godfrey VanceSANDERS, MS. INESS, Carthage, MS Mr. and Mrs. Frank BiggsSANDERS, III, ROBERT DAVID, Jackson, MS Mr. and Mrs. Wirt A. Yerger, Jr. Mrs. Virginia S. Fair Ms. Cheryl B. Miller Mr. Thomas D. MillerSAVAGE, JR., JOHN W., Oxford, MS Max L. WaldropSCHILLEREFF, MS. BETTY BEAL, Pascagoula, MS Mrs. Jessie MyersSHELTON, CHARLES HENRY 4-County Electric Power Association Alcorn County Electric Power Association Mr. and Mrs. Joe B. Cade Campbell DeLong, LLP Central Electric Power Association Coast Electric Power Association Mr. Thomas Craft Mr. and Mrs. Wilkins M. Crawford Delta Electric Power Association Deviney Construction Company, Inc. Mrs. Claire K. Farmer Mr. and Mrs. Billy Hardin Mr. Miller Holmes, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. B. Bryan Jones, III Mr. George G. Randolph Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Rhodes South Mississippi Electric Southwest Mississippi Electric Power AssociationSHIELDS, J. T., Kosciusko, MS Mickey and Edwin AlbinSHIVE, EDNA, Yazoo City, MS Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie GraeberSHOEMAKE, LINDA, Prentiss, MS Mr. and Mrs. W. Brewer PearsonSHOLAR, EVA JANE WALLIS, Germantown, TN Mr. and Mrs. David A. CraigSMALLWOOD, TIM Mr. Ronny GuestSMART, MILDRED, Fairhope, AL Mr. and Mrs. Donnie D. RileySMITH, E. A. (SMITTY), Yazoo City, MS Mrs. Nora Deen Link MaloySMITH, ROY E., Virginia Beach, VA Mr. Roy E. Smith, Jr.SOJOUNER, JR., JOHN CLEMON Mrs. Betty SavageSOWELL, PERRY, Senatobia, MS Mrs. Nance SowellSPRAYBERRY, BETTYE, Jackson, MS Mrs. Peggy B. CannadaSTEVENS, JOANNE, Forest, MS Mr. W. Hamilton StevensSTOCK, MOLLY DENT, Hollandale, MS Mr. and Mrs. John W. Stitt, IISTOGNER, PEGGY, Charlotte, NC Ms. Sara A. WickhamSTOTTS, GOLDIE AND DEWEY, Tunica, MS Mr. David StottsSTURDIVANT, JAN Mr. and Mrs. Jerry HooverTHOMPSON, MORRIS K., Jackson, MS Mrs. Betty T. Thompson

Memorials continued

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THOMPSON, SR., LEE Mrs. Dorothy FaustTREADAWAY, RALPH AND JEAN Mrs. Margaret P. DonatoTURNAGE, NANCY BEADEL, Shreveport, LA Mr. and Mrs. J. R. HightowerVAN DOORNE, MRS. KATHERINE, Rockford, MI Max L. WaldropVANCE, EVIE JEWEL, Union, MS Mr. and Mrs. Larry BranchVARNER, KATIE, Jackson, MS Mr. and Mrs. Scott Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Williford Mr. and Mrs. Daniel RoseVINSON, THOMAS H., Jackson, MS Mr. and Mrs. John W. Stitt, IIWATSON, DAISY, Natchez, MS Mr. Chick GraningWEEMS, MRS. EVELYN Mr. and Mrs. J. G. BarnesWETHINGTON, PATRICK, St. Louis, MS Mr. Thomas Scott CarsonWHITTINGTON, LARRY JOE Mr. and Mrs. David HerringtonWILLIAMS, LOYD, Houston, MS Mrs. Becky A. HarrisonWILLIAMSON, MR. AND MRS. LESTER Ms. Doris T. EllisonWISE, REV. JERRY G., Ackerman, MS Mrs. Edwina WiseYEAGER, MRS. MARY MARGARET, Jackson, MS Mrs. Billie Staats

SeptemberALLEN, MRS. ODESSA Mr. and Mrs. Larry W. DykesAMUNDSEN, ARLENE Mr. William L. AmundsenASHFORD, JOHN, Water Valley, MS Guardian Termite and Pest Control, Inc.BAGLEY, WAYNE, Forest, MS Mrs. Jeri BagleyBAKER, JAN, Jackson, MS Mr. and Mrs. Dudley HughesBARRETT, RACHEL, Madison, MS Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. PeasterBASS, VIRGINIA, Greenwood, MS Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Lee King, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. PeasterBAUCUM, COACH JAMES OLEN Mr. and Mrs. C. B. McMillanBEAVERS, CORA, Jackson, MS Dr. and Mrs. David R. SegrestBELL, HUDSON, Winston-Salem, NC Kingsley Inc.BELL, MRS. JANICE BARNETT, Kosciusko, MS Mr. and Mrs. Sidney BishopBENVENUTTI, BETTY, Bay St. Louis, MS Mr. and Mrs. Donnie D. RileyBONNER, ABIGAIL, Madison, MS Mr. and Mrs. Michael Joseph QuayleBOSCHERT, NANCY Mr. Allan BoschertBOTKIN, WENDELL H. Mr. Robert T. SmallwoodBRADBERRY, FRANCIS Mrs. Carolyn EvansCADE, BETH, Kosciusko, MS Mr. and Mrs. Lewis S. FreedmanCAIL, EARL Mrs. Genevieve L. Allen

CAMPBELL, DELL, Terry, MS Mr. and Mrs. Jim McGarrCARPENTER, BILLY, Winona, MS Mr. and Mrs. Jerry C. NixCARTER, ELIZABETH Mrs. Anita L. SmileyCARTER, HELEN, Yazoo City, MS Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Carter Ms. Elaine Franklin Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. KivlinCOGGINS, HUBERT AND SADIE Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. RecordCONLEY, ARLEY O. BEJARANO, Winfi eld, IL Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. FlyntCONWAY, LT. COL. ROBERT, Jackson, MS Coach Harper DavisCOOPER, PAUL Mr. and Mrs. Wilson FreemanCORRIGAN, DORTHEA Mrs. Candace M. CobbCOTTON, DWAIN, Vicksburg, MS Mr. and Mrs. Edgar A. Delas, Jr.COURTS, CATHY, Pickens, MS Owen Resources, LLCCOX, GENIE Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. RuthDONGIEUX, PAUL, Jackson, MS Mr. and Mrs. Dudley HughesDOOLIN, WADE, Water Valley, MS Guardian Termite and Pest Control, Inc.DUGAN, JOHN MARCUS, Brandon, MS Mr. and Mrs. Marcus AndersonEASLEY, LARRY WAYNE, Houston, MS Mrs. Becky A. HarrisonEASON, PAUL Mr. and Mrs. Jim B. FlanaganELKIN, BRUDGE Col. and Mrs. Charles W. AshleyELLZEY, WILLIAM DAVID, Bentonia, MS Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Natale Mr. Edward S. Spencer Mr. and Mrs. Glen DanielsESTES, HOPE, Yazoo City, MS Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Peaster Rev. and Mrs. Billy W. StanfordEWART, WILLARD AND JANE Mrs. Michelle HowellsFIELD, MARY Miss Rosemary Hyde Mr. and Mrs. Wormack E. Smith, Jr.FLAGG, DR. G. B., Gulfport, MS Mr. and Mrs. Donnie D. RileyFLANAGAN, GLORIA, Coila, MS Mr. and Mrs. Derwood StrainFLEMING, MRS. LIZ GINN, Memphis, TN Mr. and Mrs. David A. CraigFOUNTAIN, LUCY CHIQUELIN, St. John, FL Mr. Robert Peter Hairston Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Hardison, Jr. Mrs. Roma H. Askew Ms. Charline KillebrewGEORGE, ANNIE Mrs. Becky A. HarrisonGILL, GRADY, Johns, MS Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy E. DavesGOODMAN, JAN Mr. James SandersGOODMAN, WENDY CAROL Mr. James SandersGRAVES, ELVIS, Ackerman, MS Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Gene Cooper Mrs. Jimmie P. Irving

GRAYSON, SR., EDDIE Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Bleakney, Jr.HANEY, SHIRLEY Mrs. Julia T. SchwanebeckHARDEN, ANDREA, Aberdeen, MS Col. and Mrs. William B. HillHARMON, HAZEL, Houston, MS Mr. and Mrs. Lanny M. WilsonHARTLEY, CINDI, Oxford, MS Max L. WaldropHAYES, STAN Mrs. Alice Lee HayesHEMPHILL, REDDITT, Clarksdale, MS Mr. and Mrs. Derwood StrainHILL, CARL JP Petrie Associates, Inc.HOWSE, BENNY Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Hargrove Mr. John Groves Mrs. Georgia Prevost Mr. and Mrs. Perry England Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie D. FrazierHUMPHRIES, MARY, Yazoo City, MS Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie GraeberHUX, HAYDEN Ms. Margaret Vicki KinseyJASPER, DR. MARTIN T., Mathiston, MS Mrs. Mary A. JasperJOHNSON, BOB AND FREIDA, Jackson, MS Mr. and Mrs. Ty E. GableJOHNSON, TOMMY, Leland, MS Mr. and Mrs. J. Terry GibbsJONES, BENARD Mr. and Mrs. David Ben CarsonJORDAN, FAY Miss Nelda JordanKAISER, MARY BROWN, Natchez, MS Mr. and Mrs. V. Steve McGrawKELLER, KATHLEEN Mr. James C. BoylesLANDRUM, ALICE MAE, Jackson, MS Mr. and Mrs. Dudley HughesLANDRUM, TERRY Mr. Billy F. Greenleaf Mr. and Mrs. J. R. DavisLANEY, CHARLES, Madison, MS Dr. and Mrs. David R. SegrestLINDSEY, MRS. TRUDY, Greenwood, MS Ms. Doris T. EllisonLOCKE, EDWARD A., Winona, MS American Legion Post 52MACON, DR. MYRA Ms. Carolyn BaggettMASON, MR. LAFLOY Mr. and Mrs. W. Talmadge McNairMAULDIN, MR. THOMAS Dr. and Mrs. Mark A. MauldinMAYO, CLYDE, Edinburg, MS Mr. and Mrs. Douglas ThorntonMCGONAGILL, MR. CHARLES C. Mrs. Sue RogersMCPETERS, MR. J. R. (BILL), Corinth, MS Judge Neal BiggersMITCHELL, GEORGE W., Houston, TX Max L. WaldropMIXON, OPAL Ms. Sandra ColemanMONTAGUE, HEATHER S., French Camp, MS Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. WillifordMOONEY, JERRY Mr. W. C. ShoemakerMOSBY, JR., MRS. HAROLD RAY Mr. and Mrs. Jim H. Luckett

MOSELEY, CLAIRE, West Point, MS Mr. and Mrs. John A. Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Randy Forman Mr. and Mrs. Dean R. Fulghom Ms. Dorothy Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Frank Montgomery Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Simpson Mr. and Mrs. John B. Neville Vivian Braddock SS Class - FPC, EMULLANY, KATHERINE, Irondale, AL Max L. WaldropMYERS, DR. CHARLES Mrs. Jane MikellNEAL, FRANCES Mr. and Mrs. Bennie NuttNOBLE, RONNIE, Edwards, MS Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. LemastersNOWELL, SR., HAROLD B. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. DavisOVERY, MRS. ELISABETH, Jackson, MS Mr. and Mrs. William Jasper JonesOWEN, HELEN Mr. Howard W. OwenPATRICK, DR. BERNARD, Jackson, MS Dr. and Mrs. Kirby P. Walker, Jr.PEARSON, BERNICE, Kosciusko, MS Mr. and Mrs. Sidney BishopPEE, SR., JOHNNIE N. Mr. and Mrs. Horace E. SmithPICKETT, JON, Brandon, MS Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie GraeberPOWELL, MARION GRAFTON, Coldwater, MS Mr. and Mrs. V. Steve McGrawRECORD, EDNA AND BILL Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. RecordRISER, HENRY, Clinton, MS Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. WallaceRODGERS, KATIE MCLARTY, Oxford, MS Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Fair, III Mrs. Rebecca Giffi nRONE, JOSH C. Mrs. Beverly RoneROWLAND, JOYCE D., Charleston, MS Mr. and Mrs. Carson HughesRUSSELL, LAVONIA, Union, MS Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie GraeberSAIK, JUDY PEE Mr. and Mrs. William A. HaysSHIDELER, DR., Jackson, MS Dr. and Mrs. David R. SegrestSHOEMAKER, NELL Mr. and Mrs. John M. Barclay, Jr. Mr. W. C. ShoemakerSISK, BILL Mr. and Mrs. William C. MurphreeSMITH, CAROLYN, Virginia Beach, VA Mr. Roy E. Smith, Jr.SMITH, MARSHALL C. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ashley Mr. B. J. Bendixson Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Clark Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Culpepper, III Mr. and Mrs. James Duncan, II Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Filiatreau Mrs. Marylon Rogers Glass Mr. and Mrs. George R. Hall Mr. and Mrs. B. Jerry Huff Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnson Mrs. Georgie McMullan Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Monaghan Mr. and Mrs. James E. Morris Mrs. Patricia S. Raulston Mrs. Lucy R. Wilkinson

Mrs. Becky Wilson Mrs. Dorothy D. Work Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Bates Mr. Bruce E. Campbell Mrs. Felice V. Fisher Mrs. W. Gail Gunter Mr. and Mrs. William A. Hays Mr. and Mrs. T. Roscoe Hearon, Jr. Ms. Susan Kimbrough Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mapp Rotary Club of Pass Christian MS, Inc. Mrs. Kimberly M. Smith Mr. Roy M. Tipton Dr. and Mrs. Willis Walker, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Joe Norris Employees of MS Attorney General’s Offi ce and MS Department of Transportation Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Carter, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. A. Jerald Jackson Mrs. James C. Pittman Ms. Ann S. Bedsole & Nick Holmes, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Louis M. Finlay, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mangum, Jr. Mrs. Betty L. Owen Owl Drug Store Mr. W. Mark Parker Mr. Jack H. Pittman Regions Bank Ms. Marsha Silverstein Mr. and Mrs. William W. Wicht, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Wills, III Mr. and Mrs. Drew CarterSOWELL, PERRY Mrs. Nance SowelLSTEBBINS, CAROL A. Ms. Ellen S. SheltonSTEPHENSON, JOANN Mrs. Annie MeltonSTEVENS, JOANNE, Forest, MS Mr. W. Hamilton StevensSTEVENSON, DR. RICHARD Mr. and Mrs. Philip FaughnSTEWART, ANNIE, Kosciusko, MS Mr. and Mrs. Al RaySTRIBLING, MRS. BETTY Mrs. Ida Mack Keith LeonardSWOPE, BILLY RAY Mrs. Cynthia FaulknerTHAGGARD, WILL Mr. and Mrs. John F. Lewis Mrs. Nell McClellan Mr. and Mrs. Douglas ThorntonTHOMPSON, ROBERT M. Mr. and Mrs. William C. MurphreeTHOMPSON, TOMMY Mr. and Mrs. Bobby JollyTIPTON, LT. COL. HENRY C. Mrs. Elizabeth W. TiptonTOHILL, HOUSTON Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Pete StoneTOOMS, DR. ROBERT Dr. and Mrs. D. J. CanaleWEST, MAJORIE DEE HOPKINS Mrs. Betty L. EarlyWILLIAMS, JAMES LUTHER, Moss Point, MS Ms. Effi e G. BrysonYORK, MR. AND MRS. RICE Mrs. Elizabeth York LawsonYORK, JR., BENNETT V., Hattiesburg, MS Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mangum, Jr.ZEA, STEVE Mr. and Mrs. David Thornton

The school play is on the calendar for February 28 and March 1. This is a wonderful opportunity to visit FCA, stay at the Bed & Breakfast, eat at the Council House Café, and watch a touching, uplifting Christmas favorite, It’s a Wonderful Life.

This version of the film was adapted for the stage by James W. Rodgers in 1994. It is the heart-warming saga of George Bailey from Bedford Falls whose dreams of escape and adventure have been quashed by family and civic responsi-bilities. On Christmas Eve, George’s guardian angel, Clarence descends to save him from despair (by showing him what the world would be like had he never been born) and to remind him that his has been a wonderful life.

Tickets will be $8.00 for adults and $3.00 for high school students and younger at the door. Please email Sylvia Dickson at [emailprotected] or call (662) 547-6482 for more information. uyounger at the door. Please email Sylvia Dickson at [emailprotected]

Coming Soon!

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It has now been made known through the coming of our Sav-ior, Christ Jesus. He has destroyed death. Because of the good news, he has brought life out into the light. That life never dies

(2 Timothy 1:10).

Two Kinds of DreamsBy Hannah Staton, FCA student and Sylvia Dickson

My question is, What do you dream about? There are nightmares and there’s

Where do I want to be?Then there is the question, What does God want you to dream about?

Dr. Dolphus Weary told about his dreams at President’s Chapel on October 23, 2013. He grew up in prejudice and poverty in Mississippi. His first dream was to get out of poverty.

The second dream was to leave Missis-sippi. He told people, Someday I’m leaving Mississippi and I ain’t never comin’ back.* He did leave and moved to California. When he got there though, he realized that poverty and racism had beat him there.

After receiving a B.S. in Biology in 1969 from Los Angeles Baptist College, he went on to earn a Master’s in Religious Education. He was ordained for the ministry, thinking he would go to some exotic land to serve the Lord.

But God had a different plan for him and his wife.God put a new dream in his heart: Is the Christian faith strong enough to affect poverty? The answer was yes. God brought Dolphus and his wife, Rosie, back to Mississippi to work with Voice of Calvary/Mendenhall Ministries, where he served from 1971 through 1997.

Dolphus received a Doctor of Ministry from Reformed Theological Semi-nary in Jackson, MS in 1997. Currently Dr. Weary serves as the President of Rural Education and Leadership (R.E.A.L.) Christian Foundation , connect-ing economic and technical resources with rural Christian ministries. He is the former executive director/president of Mission Mississippi, a racial reconcilia-tion ministry that encourages unity within the Body of Christ.

Helping people learn to love one another with barriers like racism and anger towards other people is a major concern. The answer is in the Bible. Jesus loved the sinners and the righteous. If Jesus can love sinners and the righteous, can’t we love one another? When we love Jesus and one another, all the world can see Christ in us and learn from Christians.

God gives us dreams in different ways. Sometimes He has to show us our dreams are not from Him and He give us new dreams. Dr. Weary is an example of what God can do with us when we follow His dreams for us.

*Dr. Weary is the author of two books: I Ain’t Never Comin’ Back, an auto-biography, and Crossing the Tracks, Hope for the Hopeless and Help for the Poor in Rural Mississippi and Your Community. u

Vice President of Development

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Harvest FestivalBy Sylvia Dickson

For sixty-one years Har-vest Festival has been the high point of autumn here at French Camp. The auction is the main attraction and brings shoppers and observers from miles around.

FCA classes hold reunions and other alumni gather to mingle and catch up with staff and other friends. The Community Club keeps the Country Store rolling while the auction is rocking.

Action in the Historic District and down-town keeps things bustling from the Trace to Lake Ann. Music, food, craft demonstrators, horse rides, and rocking on the porches are some of the attractions.

Next year’s Harvest Festival is sched-uled for Saturday, October 11th. Mark your calendar now and make plans to meet friends, family, and classmates at Harvest Festival 2014.

Needs at French Camp AcademyAs I sit back and reflect, it never ceases to amaze me how the Lord provides for the

needs of His people. I guess what amazes me most is not that He provides, but that He does so fully and abundantly, often more than we need. I am reminded of this each and every day as I see the overflow of that abundance blessing the ministry here at French Camp Academy. I only have to get into the truck that I use for work, see our back hoe in operation, or simply walk into a newly renovated building. I never have to go far.

I recently had the pleasure of meeting a couple as I was picking up a donation. It was exciting for me to see the excitement that they felt for what they were doing. They weren’t giving begrudgingly or under some sort of compulsion. They truly exemplified the definition of a cheerful giver set out in 2 Corinthians 9.

On behalf of the students and staff here at FCA, I want to say Thank You to all of you that give cheerfully and abundantly to FCA.

Stephen Ulerich Plant and Property Director

Current needs: 1. A reliable roadworthy sedan with great gas mileage for use by our de-

velopment department (looking to replace one more vehicle with high mileage)

2. Two ½ or ¾ ton pickup trucks (e.g. - Chevrolet 1500/2500, Ford F150/250, Dodge 1500/2500) for use by the maintenance department

3. UTVs or “Mini-trucks” to replace currently aging mini-trucks

4. Refurbish a 1996 Cat 415B Backhoe – hydraulics, paint, lights and tires – we want this past gift to last another 20 years if we can (parts or services)

5. Mini-excavator (track hoe)

6. Skid steer loader

7. Turf Tires and Rims for a John Deere 850 (6 lug)

8. Miniature pony or horse cart

9. Couches and up-holstered chairs for student union

10. Large outdoor grill

11. Gas powered chainsaw

12. 150 padded stackable chairs for observatory meeting room

Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain (1 Corinthians 15:58).

If you have something that you feel FCA can use, please contact us.

Danny Donald working down in our historical area with a re-cently donated tractor and bush hog.

PRAY FOR OUR TROOPSWe are thankful for all our men and women who

serve in the armed forces, but especially those with French Camp connections. Please pray for them as they defend us at home and abroad.

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the LORD, “My refuge and my fortress, My God, in whom I trust!” Psalm 91:1-2

NON-DISCRIMINATORY POLICYFrench Camp Academy admits students of any race, color,

national or ethnic origin.

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Check the French Camp Website:

For updated information on Alumni Events, Employment Opportunities, and Needs.

french caMp acadeMy aluMni news WHere Are tHey noW?Bruce Hosket: Opportunities for a Life

Bruce and Kim Hosket were both students at FCA and are current staff members. Bruce is Vice-President of Student Life, teacher, football coach, etc., and Kim is Library Assistant, Yearbook Director, teacher, etc.

One of the things that really attracted me to French Camp was the strong, Christian families I saw here.

Bruce Hosket first came to FCA in 1978 to visit the Cannons, his aunt and uncle, during spring break. After that visit, I told my dad I wanted to go to FCA, Bruce added.

Bruce and his fa-ther had a good re-lationship, but their family was split by divorce. He knew that being around people with whole marriages would teach him some valuable life lessons.

As a first semester high school junior, Bruce lived with the Cannons. When he was a senior he moved into Day Dorm with Don and Midge Smith as his dorm parents.

Living in the dorm was not my first choice, but now I see why God did what He did. I look back on my time as a community/staff kid and then as a dorm kid, and can relate to the needs of both types of our stu-dents. Bruce and Kim were dorm parents in Moriah Dorm and then Turpin Dorm for a total 10 years.

God used all these experiences to build character and provide insight, as well as meeting the needs of many young boys in their dorms. Many of these young men share a special relationship in the Hos-ket’s family today.

As VP of Student Life, Bruce now serves the whole FCA community as he counsels students, provides direction and support for dorm parents, and advances the mission and vision of FCA.

Following graduation from FCA in 1980, Bruce attended Taylor University and Mississippi State. While attending State, he worked at FCA on the grounds crew and as assistant football coach. Even-

tually his pursuit of education took him to Colum-bia Bible College (Columbia International Univer-sity) where he received his degree in Teaching Bible.

In 1985 he returned to FCA as a fulltime staff member teaching Bible and coaching football. Ralph and Margie Newman had been influential in his life as a student, and they took him back under their wings as a young staff member.

This positive relationship influenced Bruce and brought strong blessing when he and the Newman’s daughter, Kim, started dating. God certainly was directing and establishing a solid foundation for those two young people. In 1990 they married and shortly afterwards, moved into Moriah Dorm.

After 24 years of marriage, 10 years as dorm parents, 4 children, 12 years of teaching, 29 years coaching football, a Master’s in School Administra-tion from MSU, as well as 21 years as Dean of Students/VP, Bruce says he has no regrets. There has never been a day I didn’t want to come to work. God has and is blessing me as He gives me opportunities to enjoy my own family and share in the lives of so many others.

God enables Bruce to serve with joy and wisdom as He continues to provide challenges. Bruce laughs as he says, I still have lots of room for growth. u

Alumni:If you graduated from FCA or attended FCA

for any amount of time, please consider paying alumni dues to support the activities of the Alum-ni Association. Send a check for $10 per person or $15 per couple to Linda McDaniel, P. O. Box 37, French Camp, MS 39745. Also, please sign up to receive the Alumni e-Newsletter by logging onto where you will find a button to receive emails. By the way, the new ad-dress book will be ready on Alumni Day, May 3 2014, so make every effort to be there!

NEW ALUMNI T-SHIRTSJust in time for Fall! The new Alumni T-Shirts are here. You don’t want to miss out on these fun colorful/new design shirts!

Short Sleeve: $15Long Sleeve: $18

SALE: We have a few old Alumni shirts available for only $5 (while supplies last!). Call Jamie Se-nyard at (662) 547-9464 for more information. (Please include an extra $5.00 to handle ship-ping charges.)

I heard the voice of Jesus say, “Behold, I freely give

The living water; thirsty one, stoop down, and drink, and live.”

I came to Jesus, and I drank of that life giving stream;

My thirst was quenched, my soul revived, and now I live in Him.

2nd verse of I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say by Horatio Bonar

This Hosket family photo includes two young men from their days in Moriah and Turpin Dorms: Armando and Ivan Virruet, Kayton, Kim, Ben, Bruce, Jesse, and Anna Katherine Hosket.

By Sylvia Dickson

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about French Camp Academy!

(Use a smart phone to scan code!)

Keep up with us on Facebook! Search for French Camp Academy, One Fine Place or on Twitter, search French Camp Academy or go to our

website to link directly.

Stay connected on the web: or check out all of our support ministries at istor icwww.campofther is ingson.comwww.ra

FCA’s 12 Days of Christmas Gift Ideas

1.Handcrafted items from the Log Cabin Gift Shop

2.Gift certificates to the Bed & Breakfast and Council House Café

3.Set up a monthly bank draft to give to FCA

4.Join WFCA FM108 Club

5.Give a Camp of the Rising Son scholarship to your grandchild or sponsor an FCA student

6.Help out the Blazing the Trail CRS campaign for remodel-ing and renovating

7.A Christmas gift to FCA in honor or memory of a loved one

8..Sponsor a student’s spend-ing money account ($50.00/month)

9..Reserve your spot for Rainwater Observatory’s spring Star Gaze event

10.Schedule a family reunion or business meeting at Rising Son Retreat Center; bring your church group, family, business for a tour of our campus (call 662-547-6482)

11.Gift cards to restaurants and busi-nesses for special treats and needs for students and dorms

12.Host Christmas parties for dorms

For more information, contact Lance Ragsdale at 662-547-6482 or go to

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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.